Saturday, September 18, 2010

9-18-2010 Oley Valley Community Fair

One of our favorite fall traditions is going to the Oley Valley Fair. The kids absolutely love "Farmer For A Day" and did the activities in that tent at least 5 times each. The 1st activity is guessing the source of foods from categories like wheat, oats, corn, maple syrup, apples. The 2nd activity is picking eggs from under a fake chicken, apples from fake trees, and digging potatoes out of sand. The next activity is spinning a wheel and then choosing the right farm animal from a few different choices. The also having animals to pet: rabbit, sheep, ducklings. My personal favorite is an incubator for duck eggs and newly hatched ducklings. Each station gives out a little trinket like rubber bracelets, pencils, erasers, coloring books for completing the activity.
We started the day, as we always do, watching the tractor pulls. It's souped up lawn mowers that try to pull a weight along a track. Charlie and Luke enjoy it for a while. Lily loses interest in it pretty quick.

The kids also love to go on the carnival rides. Charlie supervises that while I go look in the crafts building at quilts, photos, and baked goods. We all go together to look at the farm animals. This year in one of the pig stalls they had a can of pork and beans....that's not right!

This year we took along drinks and snacks. We've never eaten there. We're not willing to stand in line to buy tickets then stand in line to buy food.The weather was great. Sweatshirts and the morning, then jeans and tee shirts in the afternoon. Perfect small town America!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

9-14-2010 New Experiences

We're trying something new today. I took the kids directly to school this morning and I'm going to pick them up directly at school this afternoon. They are very excited about it.

Mom and Dad arrived yesterday in Colorado. They're out there for the next 9 days seeing the sights. They checked in with us yeasterday after they got there just to let us know they're fine. I was worried because there is a wildfire burning out there and you never know.

I think we are settling in to our normal school year routine. Lily may bring homework home today for the 1st time. She insists she hates homework. How does she know?

Charlie's family reunion was this past Sunday. It was cool and rainy for most of the day. I made a big roast pan of chili and it was a HUGE hit. Of course I love it when people rave about my cooking so I was very pleased with myself.

Feels like fall. my favorite time of year. I will happily so goodbye to the heat of summer and welcome to the cool weather to come!

Saturday, September 4, 2010

9-4-2010 1st Day of School, 1st Day of School

Monday was the 1st day of school. Neither child had the same excitement they did last year on the 1st day. Luke gave me a hard time about breakfast and his lunch. Lily seemed a bit nervous. I did get the obligatory pictures, but it was a struggle to get them to pose for them.

While we were waiting for the bus to come, I looked thru my school memories book with them. That was the best part of our morning. They both got a big kick out of seeing me in elementary school. Luke liked seeing my height and weight change thru the years. They told me I was "hideous" and "looked like a boy." Lots of fun at my expense.

When they got home (1/2 hour later than last year due to a new bus driver), I had milk and cookies ready and waiting. I wanted to hear all about their days. They didn't really want to talk. I insisted on each kid listing the top 3 things that happened in the classroom. They both had the same list....lining up for recess, lining up for lunch, lining up to go home. Not good. Not good at all.

As the week progressed, they seemed to have a better time of it. I touched base with both teachers via e-mail. Just to let them know we care. Poor Luke had some concerns about a child in his class with some behavior issues. So, I actually e-mailed his teacher about ways to reassure him. She was great and I feel good about that.

Yesterday I had work and the kids were off for Labor Day. Charlie took them with him as he ran around getting water for his Mom's house. their spring has run dry. The kids had a great time at Grandma K's. I had a sore throat, ear ache, and ulcers on my tongue (too many tomatoes?) and spent the afternoon napping and reading in bed.

So far today we've gone down to the dock to read the paper after making fresh ground coffee for the 1st time ever. Charlie and Lily are out running errands at Lowe's. Luke and I are in the living room. Luke's watching TV and I'm doing this. Funny how he and I are most content here at home while Charlie and Lily are adventurers and like to be out and about.

UPDATE: Mom and Dad came around 2:00 with a 550 gallon water buffalo to take to Kathy's house. We (meaning Charlie and Dad) had to clean it out then take it over to Kathy's. It was supper time when we got home. We had hamburgers and a good time was had by one and all. The day went so fast!