Most thankful this year for our health, each other, and having absolutely everything we need to live comfortably. Luke said he's most thankful to be alive. Lily said she's most thankful for family. Charlie listed family at the top of his list as well.
Did our traditional ThanksGibney dinner today. It was actually a bit touch and go in the morning because we had a bit of sleet and snow. Nothing stuck though and there were no problems with the roads. Not sure how to feel about that as the food is always lacking both in quantity and quality. Would have been fine hanging out at home all day. Especially since it seems Ron Richie has FINALLY fixed our outdoor furnace system! All 3 thermostats are set to 73 and are actually reading 73! A Thanksgiving miracle for sure!
Back to the details of ThanksGibney......The informal information on Facebook was that we were eating at 2:00pm. We set off around 12:30pm, but I had forgotten to tell Charlie the minivan tires needed air, so we had to take a quick trip to Sheetz to fill them. I should have documented that little side trip in pictures. A very cold rain was coming down pretty hard. charlie was wearing only a fleece jacket. And so our precious little Lily got out the the minivan and held her princess umbrella over Charlie's head so he could fill the tires and not get wet. It was absolutely a kodak moment.
By the time we got to the church it was about 1:15pm and they had already done the family circle and prayer. We arrived just in time to eat! I didn't even bother getting out the appetizer dips and crackers I'd brought along to hold the crowd over until the feast, and I use that term very lightly indeed.
The food was as it is every year By that I mean quite bland and in short supply Charlie took only meatballs and dinner rolls on his plate. I took the crockpot of meatballs. Unfortunately, they were only lukewarm. The kids ate a little, but spent the vast majority of their time playing with Sarah Rose and Adan. They absolutely love the wide open space and preschool toys available at the church.
At the end of the evening, poor Lily got wacked in the forehead with a hockey stick. She has a big goose egg on her forehead. Sarah Rose felt terrible about the incident. We put a push pop from the church freezer on Lily to try to keep down the swelling. She ate it on the drive home.
We were home by 5:30 pm, much earlier than other years. I'm attributing the early arrival home due to a combination of the weather and Lily's head injury. The house was still warm and toasty when we got home. One more reason to be very thankful this Thanksgiving.