Friday, June 29, 2012

6-29-2012 Breakdown

We ran out of gas today. I've never been in a car when that happened before. Charlie was driving the minivan and knew right away that we were out of gas. He managed to pull to the side of the road and ran to a house aside of the highway and 'borrowed' some gas. So scary to see him pouring it into the minivan as cars, trucks, and tractor trailers whizzed by.

Last night we had a severe thunderstorm that knocked the electricity out until about 9:30 this morning. Luckily Met-Ed fixed it before the major heat of the day. I think we hit a high of about 99 degrees.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

6-20-2012 Hot, Hot, Hot

Very hot and muggy today. i think real feel is somewhere around 100 degrees. I got up early (0530) and hung a load of laundry on the clothesline before the heat kicked in. Took Lily to VBS for 0900, then dropped Luke off for a play date with his friend Tyler.

Charlie worked outside all day on a pool house. Sun reflecting off white vinyl. He's cooked.

Tomorrow should be even hotter!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

6-17-2012 Father's Day

Charlie was served coffee in bed. Then he and I read the paper. Then we hung out on the riverside porch for a while. Then puttered around the property doing various tasks.

Lunch was a fabulous spinach salad with hot peppers from our garden.

Dinner will be steaks.

Charlie and Lily are presently running errands, Lowes for paint, AC Moore for artist paint brushes. Charlie plans on painting the barn hex signs this week.

Wonderful weather for the past few days. The kids actually slept over at mom and dad's Thursday and Friday. They went to Knoebles both days. Charlie and I went to Landis Valley Museum on Friday and had a wonderful time. We had a picnic lunch. Then stopped at Oregon Dairy on the way home and picked up iced raison bread for a snack. We capped off the day with a stop at Green Dragon where we picked up some basil to plant and herbs mom wanted to plant.

Wish the mild weather could last all summer long!

Thursday, June 14, 2012

6-14-2012 Hurray For Sleepovers!

I took the kids to Mom and Dad's this morning for a sleepover. Lily and Mom are going to go to Knoebles and enjoy some rides. Luke and Dad are going to plant some tomatoes, do some fishing, and shoot guns.

Charlie is busy painting the barn with Ryan today. He and I (Charlie, not Ryan), may take a day to ourselves tomorrow and go puttering around some old town. Maybe New Hope or Lititz or Bethlehem. Somewhere local-ish with lots of neat old architecture to enjoy.

We'll pick the kids up either tomorrow evening or Saturday morning. In the meantime, we'll all enjoy some great weather with the temp's in the high 70's and low humidity. I'd take this all summer!

Sunday, June 10, 2012

6-10-2012 Blue Marsh for Lily & Me

Lily and I went to Blue Marsh today from 1000-2:00. It was about 90 degrees and quite humid so the cold lake water was quite refreshing.

Charlie stayed home to paint the barn. Luke stayed home as well.

Now hanging out as a family watching DVDs.

Saturday, June 9, 2012

6-9-2012 Lily's 8th Birthday Review

Yesterday was Lily's 8th birthday. It was a day packed with action, just like Lily likes it. We started off with a mother-daughter breakfast at Shady Maple while Charlie and Luke stayed home and cleaned up the house. Then we went to Ballocity with 2 of Lily's friends, Lila and Tucker. We came home for hot dogs and cookies and a quick playmate with Lila, then off to the Reading Phillies for a baseball game and fireworks.

I had baked a cake the day before at Lily's insistence and with her help. Unfortunately, after it was decorated, it developed a very large crack in the middle that looked like the after-effects of an earthquake. So we decided that would be the 'practice cake' and we had lemon cookies for her birthday. Bought at Redner's per Lily's request.

We were thinking of going to Knoeble's tomorrow with P&J, but the weather is supposed to be in the low 90's with high humidity, so we changed our minds. We'll stay home and hang out here. Maybe go to Blue Marsh swimming in the late afternoon.

Charlie is working on painting the front of the barn. It def. needs it.