Wednesday, November 14, 2012


We've had a lot of things going on around here lately. We did ThanksGibney at Plow Church with Charlie's side of the family. Left there hungry, as always.

Black Friday we decorated for Christmas as is our tradition. We did a quick run to Salvation Army and Goodwill in the afternoon and were pleasantly surprised that neither one was really crowded. We each got a couple items and kept it under $50.00.

Luke has been meeting with a psychologist, Dr. Shoudt, for a few weeks. 

11-14-2012 Well...

I was helping Lily with her math homework after school today. She had to solve a word problem and write an answer in sentence form. She looks at me and says, "I like to start each answer with, 'Well..." I completely cracked up.

Only Lily would start math sentences with, "Well.....". Love that girl!