Sunday, March 31, 2013

3-31-2013 Easter

I am spending Easter alone. I have a cold, complete with sore throat, ear ache, and overall lethargy. Charlie left with the kids about an hour ago to go to my parents. We were supposed to have Easter here, but decided on a change of plans this morning. I think the kids are going to sleep overnight there and I'll get them sometime tomorrow.

The Easter Bunny did manage to fill the baskets last evening, even though both kids were awake in their beds upstairs. Lily got a couple of tee shirts, cash and pair of capris. Luke got k'nex pieces, sparklers, and cash. Both got candy, gum, and a case of Propel flavored water. Charlie will share the candy and Propel with the kids.

It's cloudy, the wind is picking up and it should start raining any minute now. We hung out together this morning in the living room watching Frasier and Everybody Loves Raymond on Netflix. I'm now tucked in bed.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

3-20-2013 Decisions, Decisions

I am feeling quite conflicted about what to do with myself professionally. On one hand, I want to pursue what has been a long-time goal and open my own nurse advocate business. On the other hand, I feel like I should become employed as a staff nurse by a big, stable corporation and start bringing home my fair share of the bacon (and health benefits). Ugh...what to do, what to do.

I'm actually working on both. I did not get the float position I'd interviewed for, but I am continuing to apply for jobs I think would fit our life. In the meantime, I am planning how I want to lay out a nurse advocate business and doing research to that end.

Time will tell. I haven't been sleeping well and our finances are heavy on my mind.

Friday, March 8, 2013

3-8-2013 Typical Friday Night

Charlie and Lily are at the end of season girl's basketball party at the coach's house.

Luke and I are home, each enjoying a screen in our own bedroom.

Wind is howling outside.

Squirrels are running around in the attic and chimney.