Saturday, May 25, 2013


I just finished 2 weeks of full-time orientation. Wow, was that hard! I came home exhausted these past few afternoons. So glad to be done the M-F part of orientation. Now I'm off this weekend and the coming week. I'll have next weekend orientation and then be on my own.

Charlie took Lily to and from school all week, including yesterday which was a 1/2 day. Luke went along with him to job sites and helped out or hung out.

We made it. I'll be spending today getting caught up on laundry, cleaning, groceries, etc.

I have a whole new respect for households in which both parents work full-time. I don't know how they do it.

Monday, May 13, 2013

5-13-2013 Mother's Day Review

I had a very enjoyable Mother's Day this year. It started out with Lily delivering cards to me in bed. Then Charlie and the kids went to Dunkin Donuts and brought me back munchkins and coffee. After breakfast and the paper all 4 of us went outside for some manual labor. We helped Charlie clean up aside of the barn and in his truck. I also mowed the back 40 and cleaned up the kitchen.

For lunch we had spaghetti and salad. Then the kids and I headed to Mom and Dad's, while Charlie stayed here to finish up some tasks.

At P&J's we went for a 1.5 mile walk/bike ride. The cat, Mr. Fluffy, had 3 kittens the kids thoroughly enjoyed. Then we helped them cover all their strawberry plants since the forecast was for frost last night. By the time we got the plants covered, it was supper time. We had leftover ham, cheese, apples, crackers, mushroom salad, and pickles. Then everyone but me had some ice cream.

We arrived back home just in time for bed.

I am so grateful we all have our health and were able to enjoy the nice weather, together, getting some much needed work done. A productive day, is a good day, and especially appropriate on Mother's Day!

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

5-8-2013 GREAT News x 2 Today!

Wonderful news today! I have been hired for a weekend position at the facility where I first started my nursing career. I am so excited to be going back there. This time on their rehab. unit.

The other great news we got today is that a young couple Charlie has been working with has been approved by their bank to build a custom home with us.

Wonderful day!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013


Great Spring weather we've been having.

 We started watching Luke's friend Tyler after school until about 8pm 2 or 3 evenings a week. This was week 1, so far so good. Tyler does little league and karate, so it's more running around than we are accustomed to.

Charlie is finishing up an addition and hoping to start a house by the end of this month.