Monday, October 28, 2013

10-28-2013 Halloween's Around the Corner

Saturday morning while I was at work Charlie took the kids to the library for a Halloween party. It was just Like, Lily, and her friend Emma. They had enough pudding for 20 kids, so they each got to eat as much pudding as they wanted. Due to the lack of kids, Luke thought it was the best party he'd ever attended.

Yesterday afternoon, Emma's mom took Lily along to a "Trunk or Treat" event at a local church parking lot. Apparently people park in the lot and give out treats from the trunk of their car. This is a new concept, Lily seems to think it worked.

Wednesday I will meet with some staff to begin the process of helping Luke transition back into public school, since that's what he wants to do. I am concerned that he will regress back to the high anxiety he had in the past and so want to take it slow and do it right.

Thursday is Halloween and we do plan on going trick or treating to a local development, weather and health permitting.

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

10-15-2013 Where the heck have I been?

Just checked back in the blog to see the last time I posted....August 2nd, holy cow!

 I can't believe I didn't post when the kids went back to school. Luke is in 5th grade, doing cyber school at home with me. Lily is in 4th grade, her teacher is Mrs. Miller.  We had a pretty uneventful start to the school year. Luke and I struggled a bit the 1st week, especially since we only had online textbooks, but now we have the hang of things and are doing just fine. Luke has actually expressed interest in going back to public school. I take it as a sign of great progress. On the other hand, I am concerned that it will undo or reverse the progress we've made in the past year and a half. I've told Dr. Shoudt and she's going to help us devise a plan to ease him back in, one small step at a time.

Lily is going to learn to play the flute. She just brought it home last week. Right now she's at basketball sign ups with Charlie. She likes her teacher and seems to be pleased with most of the kids in her class. So far, so good. It's her last year in elementary school and I do believe she plans on enjoying it.

Work has been going well for Charlie. He spent the summer doing a custom home and enjoyed it for the most part. That's pretty much done and so he's back to doing various remodel jobs. 

I am still enjoying my working every weekend. It is perfect for me and our family and I thank God for it.

Mom has been having concerns with high blood pressure. It started about 3 weeks ago. I took her last Tuesday for a renal doppler, which was negative. She's started on 100mg of cozaar and has a follow up appt. and labs in a month. Her pressure was as high as 240/120 and she and I were both quite concerned. Hopefully, the med's bring it under control.