Monday, May 26, 2014

5-26-2014 Memorial Day

     All four of us were together today with Mom and Dad to celebrate Memorial Day. It was lovely weather, partly cloudy and around 80 degrees. We had hamburgers, lots of little side dishes, fruit and ice cream for dessert.

     The kids have something like 8 days of school left. Hard to believe. Lily has mixed feelings as she'll miss her friends. Luke usually has some anxiety because summer isn't as structured as during the school year. I'll need to put together a basic daily routine for us to follow. He started going to public school for language arts the end of March and has been doing that daily since. It's going okay, but I don't think he's ready to go back to full days next year.

     Charlie is quite busy with customer projects. He is feeling overwhelmed, but does realize it's a blessing to have too much work. He's doing his best to balance everyone. Last Thursday we had a freak hailstorm that caused a lot of damage to vehicles and property. Luckily the work trucks only have dings, but windshields remain intact. Many hundreds of vehicles in our county were totaled from the storm damage. Our house and property were fine, just some shredding of plants. We were very blessed.

     I've been at work for just over a year now at the rehab. center. I am still working every weekend, 2 eight hour shifts. I function as supervisor and have been doing that since January. Of late, it's been quite stressful and approx. 7 nurses have left in the past month or so. That's quite a lot considering we probably on have 20-some on staff to begging with!