Thursday, July 10, 2014

7-10-2014 Fall Ball (in July)

Both kids have signed up for fall ball which is a mini version of little league. Every Wednesday in July they are having an open clinic. Last night was the first one. Both kids did great.

Thursday, July 3, 2014

7-3-2014 Where the Heck did the Month of June Go?

I absolutely can not believe tomorrow is the 4th of July. I was just thinking about the kids getting out of school for the summer a second ago. A minute before that we were in the midst of a brutal winter and dreaming of summer days. Now here we are in the middle of summer!

We are having a wonderful summer. One or both kids are hosting play dates nearly every day. We are going shopping and to the library and to Blue Marsh Lake and many other places. Both kids have gone to P&J's for a multi-night sleepover. Separately.

Monday we found out who Lily will have for a homeroom teacher in 5th grade. Already! Usually, we don't know the teacher assignment until about 2 weeks before school starts. Of course, now that she's going to middle school, there won't be just one teacher, so I don't think it matters as much as it did in years past.

I need to devote more time to trying to find a cyber school for Luke. I'd like to change to a school that has a teacher conduct class each day, rather than doing it myself. I have been asking around, but not had any luck yet.

7-3-2014 Giada Recipe for bruschetta

To die for!

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