Wednesday, November 26, 2014

11-26-2014 A Little Pre-Thanksgiving Snow

Lily had early dismissal today at 1100 when it started snowing big, fat flakes. I think we were forecasted to get between 3 to 6 or 4 to 8 inches of snow. It looks like we only have about 2 or 3 inches now (8pm) and I think it's winding down. That's fine with me since I work tomorrow, Thanksgiving. I'm okay with working the holiday because I'll be off Christmas.

Charlie stayed home from work today and did paperwork. Once both kids were home they basically did screens and relaxed during the afternoon. We baked gingersnap cookies after supper even though the snow blower was not fired up. In general, the policy is that I must bake cookies whenever Charlie uses the snowblower.

Black Friday we plan on decorating for Christmas as is our tradition. Then I work the weekend. Monday we may visit with Mom and Dad, that's still up in the air at this point.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

11-19-2014 Reflections after loss of former co-worker

There was a terrible, senseless accident this morning in our area. A tractor trailer driver fell asleep at the wheel and crashed into stopped vehicles. One of this killed was a nurse I had worked with in CCU. Her name was Jane and she leaves behind a husband and 2 found sons. all who knew her are devastated at this tragedy. It has me thinking about how many folks I work with and really enjoy and appreciate, but they probably don't know it. I'm going to make it my goal to show more appreciation each time I am with them. That will be the legacy of Jane.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

11-13-2014 Snow Flurries

It's flurrying here a wee bit. Luke said I must make note of this event so we can compare it to past years. Duly noted.

Monday, November 3, 2014

11-03-2014 My 43rd Birthday

Charlie and the kids brought home pizza and stromboli from Bruno's last night for my birthday meal. They surprised me with a bag of gifts including a red reindeer mug I'd admired, a beautiful blue and green mug, an electric blanket throw to use downstairs (cream with dark blue snowflakes), and lids/straws for ball jars (to protect drink from fruit flies…we've had a problem with them lately). I was pleasantly surprised.

This morning Luke and Lily each sang and danced "Happy Birthday" for me. That was a highlight of my day. I also got birthday emails from my pen pal in England, mom, Jill, and Gail (a former nursing student).

I've spent the day puttering around. I watched Madam Secretary this morning before getting Luke. After picking up Lily I went to the library to pick up final book in Divergent series by Veronica Roth. That's the perfect birthday treat and I'm planning on reading the book start to finish this evening snuggled under my electric blanket birthday gift.

I am so very thankful to be at this point in my life. I am so grateful for another year with my family, spent in good health, living comfortably, with a job that challenges me every single weekend. It's a good time in my life. I am thankful, grateful, appreciative, humbled by my blessings.