Friday, April 24, 2015

4-24-2015 Kitten

We found a kitten in our barn (the corn crib or 'log cabin' side) on 4-14-15. We left it alone there overnight thinking the mama was nearby and would come back for it. She didn't and so the morning of 4-15-15 we brought her into the house. She's been with us ever since. We feed her kitten milk replacement through a bottle. We wipe her butt with cotton balls to stimulate her to pee and poop. It's been quite an experience.

She is absolutely adorable. Day 1 she cried frantically because she was cold and hungry. As soon as we got her warm and fed, she settled down. She sleeps through the night getting a bottle somewhere between 7p-9p and then sleeps until 5a-6a. No complaints there. I do keep her in a basket at my bedside...just in case.

When I work weekends, Lily manages her feeding. Mom and Dad came down so Charlie and I could go out for our anniversary on 4-17-15. Mom managed the kitten beautifully with Luke's help. We went to Collegeville to the Movie Tavern to see "Insurgent" and then did quite a bit of shopping at Wegman's.

I supposed you could say Charlie's birthday/anniversary gift was a John Deere lawnmower we bought. It was delivered on the 17th while Mom and Dad were here. I haven't even driven it yet. Charlie mowed with it and is pleased with it's performance.

Luke is playing baseball. Charlie is assistant coach. They've had 1 game so far. Tomorrow is picture day and an away game. I'll miss both since I'll be at work. I arrived at his first game just as they were packing up and lined up at the concession stand. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

4-5-2015 Easter 2015

We had a lovely day with P&J celebrating Easter. We played Farkle, trivia, and had an egg hunt. Lunch was Italian hoagies from Screpsie's, chips, Doritoes, pineapple, strawberries, grapes, pepper jelly dip with cream cheese, bologna and cheese, and Grandma's famous chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. Everything was delicious. We took a walk around the property and enjoyed the signs of spring including crocuses in bloom. It really was a great day spent with family.