Wednesday, December 30, 2015

12-30-2015 The Christmas that Missed Us....

This year Christmas felt like it missed us. Lily was diagnosed with pneumonia on 12-8-15 and I spent them coming days focused exclusively on her. We went to the Convenient Care at Redner's. She was given a script for Zithromax, duonebs, and cough medicine with codeine. We came home and I gave her a Zithromax. A few hours later she developed hives on her face, so I had to give her Benadryl and have a different script called in. That evening I gave her the 2nd antibiotic and the cough medicine with codeine on top of the Benadryl. I was afraid I'd killed her because she didn't make one single peep all night long. While Lily was great taking the antibiotic, she hated doing the nebulizer treatments.

 Even when she was good enough to go back to school, that was all she did was school then napping or taking it easy. She volunteered at the library a week later for 4 hours. She then came home and took a 5 hour nap in which she was out cold.

Luke got sick next. Luckily, I was able to start him on the Zithromax that Lily had been allergic to. He was fine on it and completed the 5 day course, minus the 1 pill she'd taken. He managed to dodge the worst of the sickness thanks to those antibiotics.

Then Charlie felt like he was coming down with something for a few days. Right up until the morning of the 24th , we didn't know if we'd be having family come or not. Luckily, he stayed healthy.

I say the 24th because I had to work Christmas this year, so we celebrated on the 24th. Mom and Dad came down around 1100. Charlie, Kathy and Ben did not come because Kathy woke up with cold s/s that morning. We had 4 different kinds of pizza: cheese, bacon, pepperoni, and special (onions, peppers, mushrooms, sausage, and ham). Bruno's never disappoints and all were excellent.

The kids each got a $100 bill from Santa. Lily used hers to buy Beats headphones. Luke used his to buy Destiny (a game for the playstation). The one good thing about having our Christmas on the 24th was that the kids could take their money and go shopping the same day. They came back from the pizza run with their chosen gifts in hand. I got Charlie a framed map of the Appalachian Trail which he said really meant something to him. I wish we could have video taped his reaction to seeing it bc it was priceless. He'd spotted it the day before at Cabelas and I ran back the next day and secretly bought it. My gift is the new kitchen appliances and island top and countertop being made by Rusty and Mike at Olde Annville Cabinetry. I won't have the tops until February or March, but am enjoying the appliances tremendously!

 I worked on the 25th, 26th, and 27th since it worked out to be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Work wasn't bad, thankfully. Charlie and the kids just hung out at home, still in low-key recovery mode.

Today the 4 of us went to the movies (relax and recline seats which is the ONLY way to see a movie) to see the new Star Wars movie The Force Awakens. It was excellent. We all agreed it was our favorite of the Star Wars movies.

Charlie is leaving tomorrow for a hike on the Appalachian Trail. His Dad is dropping him off and going a few miles with him. His Mom is picking him up on Saturday (3 days later) and bringing him home. He wanted to go over Christmas but I forbid it. The kids deserved to have their Dad home for the holiday for God's sake. I'm off for New Years' so they'll only be alone on 1-2-16 for a few hours while I'm a work and Charlie is finishing up his hike. I'm hoping perhaps they can each go to a friends' house for a few hours.

I have a cold with a scratchy/sore throat and feel like a weight is settling on my chest. I'm taking it easy and hope to not get good and sick like the kids were. The only thing I did today was go to the movies.

Of course, my greatest prayer for 2016 is that we all stay healthy and safe. Anything beyond that is icing on the cake...or sprinkles on the cupcake as I like to say.