Monday, June 6, 2016

6-6-16 Almost the End of the School Year

     Today is Monday and the kids will be done with school on Friday. Luke has made it through his first year back to full-time public school after a few years of home schooling apparently intact and fine. I just asked him the other day if he wanted to go back to home schooling and he said he did not. He's still busy with baseball at least twice a week. Lily has basketball just as often, usually more often. I do not enjoy how busy our family has become in the evenings. On the other hand, I do completely enjoy the quiet time I've had to myself alone at the house Monday-Friday while Charlie is at work and the kids are at school. I shall miss the peace and quiet this summer to be sure.

     Smoochie has not returned to us. I feel much more empathy towards those who have a loved one missing. You can't help be hold on to hope that perhaps they are fine and will still return. I would like to get another cat. Perhaps a year or two old to keep me company during the day. Half-tail has been very loving and playful and a good companion for me. She's even warmed up to Charlie and he to her which is quite a surprise.