Friday, July 29, 2016

7-29-2016 Bursitis and Cellulitis

Charlie's left elbow has bursitis and cellulitis. He has a fair amount of pain and is running a fever on and off. We went to the doctor today and got a script for reflex. He took one and broke out in hives. He'll need to call her tomorrow morning and have her call in a different script.

He also had an x-ray that shows soft tissue swelling (evident without and x-ray) and labs drawn. We haven't heard the results of the labs yet. I'm sure his WBC are elevated.

He has an appointment with an ortho-pod next Friday. That was the earliest appointment we could get. They may need to aspirate the fluid from the elbow.

Because the pain has been significant, we got a script for Norco 5/325. I'm planning on giving him one tonight at bedtime. Hopefully, he'll get a decent night's sleep.

This has been quite the adventure. Whenever something happens to our health, it really makes me take pause and appreciate the good health we take for granted every day. Charlie feels the same.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

7-14-2016 New Kitty

We brought home a new kitten today that we got from Uncle Carl and Aunt Edie. It comes from the same litter as the 2 kittens mom and dad got last week. They love their kittens. We went to visit them today and fell in love ourselves. So we texted Charlie at work and got his reluctant blessing to bring one home. I'm hoping and praying it will be a good little cat companion for us. It's presently snuggled up against my leg sleeping signs of difficulty adapting to its surroundings thus far!