Sunday, July 25, 2010

7-25-2010 Backtracking

Last Saturday, Charlie, the kids, and I cleaned up Charlie's weight lifting equipment that we had been storing up in the barn and hauled it to our master bedroom. Since then Charlie and I have been following a weight lifting program we got from the internet. I'm very proud of us for sticking with it this past week. Of course, Charlie loves to exercise and work up a sweat. Me...not so much.

Friday we went to Blue Marsh Lake when I finished work. We had a great time. The water was perfect and really cooled us off. It was 107 with the heat index. The kids had a blast. We stayed until 7:30 pm then came home for some nachoes and cheese and then bed.

This weekend we took it easy. Rented the Harry Potter series from the library and we're making our way thru it. The kids are too young for that, so they've been playing together nicely downstairs and watching their shows on the Disney channel. Charlie and I did go down to the dock this morning for an hour or so to finish up the paper and just hang out.

Ben Z. dropped by this afternoon with his daughter Marilynn. The kids had a good time playing with her and Charlie caught up with Benny. They came just after some strong storms went thru knocking down a couple of limbs and lots of leaves.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

7-15-2010 He's Back

Charlie has returned to us from Utah. He arrived last evening. The kids are delighted to have him home. He tells us he had a good time, but missed us and was ready to come home.

 While out there he enjoyed the hiking the most. They spent 1 night in Las Vegas which he said he'd not need to go back to.

I'll be happy to get back to our normal summer routine. I've done a lot of running around with the kids this past week to and from Mom and Dad's. Thank God we had Dad to watch the kids for us this past week while Charlie was gone and I had to work. But I'm ready for normal to return.

Monday, July 12, 2010

7-12-2010 Just Another Manic (Med. Pass) Monday

First day doing medication administration with my students. Did not go well. Me, not them. The technology was the problem. It is the first time I've done med's on a computer using a scanner. But, we got thru it. Wed. will go much better, I'm sure.

Dad came to our house to watch the kids. All agreed they had a good day playing and hanging out.

Charlie is still in Utah. We didn't talk to him yesterday. Today is George's wedding, so I'm thinking we won't be talking to him today either.

Very windy outside and quite overcast. Maybe we'll have some big thunderstorms this evening. The rain and cooling down would be welcome.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

7-8-2010 He's Leaving on the Next Plane...

Charlie left for Utah today. I think. He called us from the Philly airport this afternoon to say they couldn't fly out due to storms in Chicago. I haven't heard from him since and can't reach him on his cell phone. I'm hoping that means he's on the plane and on his way.

The kids are at P&J's for a sleepover. I have work tomorrow, so we met Mom midway and she's going to take them to their place for the night. At this point, the plan is for them to sleepover tomorrow night as well. I'll go get them late Saturday morning or early afternoon. Mom and Dad want to take them out for breakfast and to farmers' market.

 I absolutely do not know what to do with myself! I came home and ate uninterrupted. Then watched the local news and heard every word they said! The 1st time that's happened in about 7 years! I have big plans to read and enjoy a Harry Potter movie that's coming on TV tonight. Please God keep everyone safe and don't let the power go out. Please, please, please.

Monday, July 5, 2010

7-5-2010 Heat Wave

It's another hot one today. Charlie and Lily are on the river with Uncle Jerry and Aunt Dot. Doing some fishing, swimming, eating, kayaking.

Luke and I stayed home. We went shopping to Wal Mart and Sal Val early this morning. Now we're hanging out watching TV and lovin the A/C.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

7-4-2010 Independence Day

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7-4-2010 Independce Day

 We overslept Saturday morning. By that, I mean we did not get up until 6:40 am. Quite late by our standards. Charlie had promised to help me in the garden. Lily did the photojournalism to document our efforts.

We really did get an awful lot accomplished. We even managed to venture over to the beds along the house and weed them.

Saturday evening we went to the Reading Philles baseball game. Special fireworks to celebrate the 4th at the end. Very nice.

Today Mom and Dad came for lunch (meatballs hoagies, salad, watermelon, mojitoes. We were down at the dock when they arrived but came up to the house lickity split. Too hot to be outside. Had a nice visit with them for a few hours.

Charlie and I are both off from work tomorrow. No big plans. We'll see where the day takes us.

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