Thursday, July 8, 2010

7-8-2010 He's Leaving on the Next Plane...

Charlie left for Utah today. I think. He called us from the Philly airport this afternoon to say they couldn't fly out due to storms in Chicago. I haven't heard from him since and can't reach him on his cell phone. I'm hoping that means he's on the plane and on his way.

The kids are at P&J's for a sleepover. I have work tomorrow, so we met Mom midway and she's going to take them to their place for the night. At this point, the plan is for them to sleepover tomorrow night as well. I'll go get them late Saturday morning or early afternoon. Mom and Dad want to take them out for breakfast and to farmers' market.

 I absolutely do not know what to do with myself! I came home and ate uninterrupted. Then watched the local news and heard every word they said! The 1st time that's happened in about 7 years! I have big plans to read and enjoy a Harry Potter movie that's coming on TV tonight. Please God keep everyone safe and don't let the power go out. Please, please, please.

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