Sunday, August 29, 2010

8-29-2010 Last Day of Summer Vacation

Kids go back to school tomorrow. We spent yesterday giving them each an extreme bedroom makeover. Lily got a new wrought iron headboard and we took everything else including the green recliner and plastic storage drawers out of her room and off her walls. It looks great and she loves it!

Luke got a new nightstand and wardrobe. We also moved his bed, got rid of the floral sofa and gave him a folding table for some of his creations (coaster, Lego's, etc.)

We moved the heart dresser from the kitchen to the center hall. Put a Hoosier cabinet in the walk in fireplace and punched tin dresser where the heart dresser was.

We moved the kid's computer to a wooden table closer to the office door. We also unpacked from the beach and did 4 loads of laundry.

Today we did not work at such a breakneck pace. We did bake a batch of chocolate chip cookies for back to school. We packed the kid's backpacks with the items they need for the 1st day of school. Charlie and Lily made a quick trip to Wally World for bread, milk, mini carrots for lunches. Luke and Charlie are down at the river fishing right now while Lily gets in some last minute computer time.

We had such a great summer. The kids agreed that they accomplished everything they wanted to for the summer. They won't go so far as to admit they're ready for school to start...but I know they are.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

8-26-2010 Meet the Teacher Night

Last night was Meet the Teacher Night at the kids school. Unfortunately, they did 1st and 2nd grade at the same time. I quickly touched base with Lily's teacher then went to the session with Luke's. I figured he'd have more homework and I should get the info on that. All went well. Both teachers seem to be genuinely nice people. For that I am extremely grateful.

Charlie and the kids are coming home from the shore today. I can not believe how fast the time has gone! I haven't even gotten everything done on my to-do list! The peace and quiet has been so good for my soul. I do miss them and am excited for them to come home. But I did enjoy the break. A staycation where I can do things at my own pace, of my own choosing is my idea of heaven.

Thursday, August 19, 2010

8-19-2010 My How Time Flies

The days of summer break are drawing to an end for the kids. I'm off from work this week and enjoying quality time with them. Yesterday we went to farmers' market, the library, and Blue Marsh in the afternoon.

Today we stayed home. Both Luke and Lily wrote thank you notes to the grandparents for watching them 1 day a week through out the summer. It should be a nice surprise when they receive them in the mail a few days from now.

Next week I go back to work and Charlie and the kids are going to shore with Kathy, Ben, and Adan. They are really looking forward to it. Big plans for gathering shells, miniature golfing, and playing in the sand and waves.

Monday, August 16, 2010

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8-16-2010 Back to School Shopping Complete!

The kids and I headed out to Wally World 1st thing this morning....before all the crazies were up and about. Brilliant move on our part! We had the entire back to school supplies section to ourselves!

 This is the 1st time our school district has asked the parents to purchase our own supplies for the kids to use in the classroom. Other years, they made a point of asking us to keep that stuff at home and they'd give the children everything they needed. But the times, they are a changing and everyone is watching their pennies.

We took the list the school gave us and added a few things we knew we'd need (sneaks, lunch bags, thermoses). Last week we went through the kids' existing clothes, trying on all questionable items to see if they still fit.Turns out both have enough shirts and pants to start out the year. I'll keep my eyes open at Sal Val for bargains during the year.

 The kids did an excellent job choosing what they wanted. we were done in no time. With 1 exception....Luke's sneaks.

None of the shoe choices at Wal Mart suited him. Next we went to Sal Val. They didn't even have any shoes in his size. On to Target where we finally had success. The pair we got cost $25, which is a lot in my book. but, I'm hoping he'll wear them pretty much every day for the year and get his money's worth out of them.

It's a great feeling to have that shopping done. I really thought it would be a lot more painful.

Monday, August 9, 2010

8-9-2010 J's B-day!

Grandma J turned 62 today. We dropped the kids off last night. Plans for today were Knoebles followed by Chinese on the way back to us. Can't wait to hear all about it!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

8-5-2010 Got our Teachers Today! Yipee!

The packets came in the mail today letting us know who the kids have as teachers. Lily has Mr. Wojo. for 1st grade and Luke has Mrs. G. for 2nd. I'm familiar with both of them and quite pleased in both cases. I sent out e mails and facebook posts to see who the kids friends got. so far, we know a few kids who will be with Luke, none yet in Lily's class.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

8-01-2010 Where'd July Go?

Can't believe we're in August already! I want to make a count down to school paper chain. The kids aren't feelin' it the same way I am. Secretly, I think they're both excited to go back to school. although, this summer has gone quite well. i think it's working out great with Dad watching them Mondays, Kathy doing Wednesdays, and Charlie having them on Fridays.
Poor Lily had to go to the convenient care last Wed. for poison ivy on her face, close to her eye. She's been on prednisone since. She takes it like a champ with a squirt of Hershey syrup as a quick chaser as soon as she swallows down the medicine.

We all spent time down at the dock yesterday and today. Not too hot and Charlie and the kids caught a few fish. Kids even did some swimming.

The kids are on a kick of "I don't want to eat that." They've refused tomatoes...something they always loved. Luke refuses eggs...he always loved eggs. It's driving me crazy! So, yesterday I bought a big container of ring pops at Sam's Club. Each time the kids eat a full serving of something new, or something they think they won't like, they get to have a ring pop. So far, so good. Last night they ate pasta with homemade fresh tomato sauce. This morning Luke (and Charlie) ate pancakes with berry sauce and Lily tried it.