Monday, August 16, 2010

8-16-2010 Back to School Shopping Complete!

The kids and I headed out to Wally World 1st thing this morning....before all the crazies were up and about. Brilliant move on our part! We had the entire back to school supplies section to ourselves!

 This is the 1st time our school district has asked the parents to purchase our own supplies for the kids to use in the classroom. Other years, they made a point of asking us to keep that stuff at home and they'd give the children everything they needed. But the times, they are a changing and everyone is watching their pennies.

We took the list the school gave us and added a few things we knew we'd need (sneaks, lunch bags, thermoses). Last week we went through the kids' existing clothes, trying on all questionable items to see if they still fit.Turns out both have enough shirts and pants to start out the year. I'll keep my eyes open at Sal Val for bargains during the year.

 The kids did an excellent job choosing what they wanted. we were done in no time. With 1 exception....Luke's sneaks.

None of the shoe choices at Wal Mart suited him. Next we went to Sal Val. They didn't even have any shoes in his size. On to Target where we finally had success. The pair we got cost $25, which is a lot in my book. but, I'm hoping he'll wear them pretty much every day for the year and get his money's worth out of them.

It's a great feeling to have that shopping done. I really thought it would be a lot more painful.

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