Friday, December 31, 2010


Boy the week off for the kids just flew by. They're outside with charlie working on firewood as we speak. Yesterday they spent the day with the Crowell grandparents and their cousins, Adan and Chase, hanging out and doing a bit of sledding.

No big plans for tonight. We aren't the type to go out and party on New Years Eve. Charlie and I have always stayed in, even when we were dating. No sense breaking with tradition.

No big resolutions for the coming year either. Just prayers for health, safety, and enough to get by on. Anything beyond that will be icing on the cake.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

12-25-2010 Pictures from Yesterday....

12-25-2010 Christmas

We had Christmas yesterday. Mom had to work today, so we bumped it up a day. The kids didn't mind at all getting a visit from Santa a day early. Of course, we explained that Santa does early deliveries for families like ours who have a grandma who has to work.

All the kids wanted for Christmas was a wii. That's all they got. They were very happy and readily proclaimed it "Best Christmas Ever!"

P&J came around 8:00 am. We needed them early because J had baked the chocolate cake with peanut butter icing that we were having for Baby Jesus' birthday cake/breakfast. That cake is to die for. After singing happy birthday to Baby Jesus and each kid blowing out the candle on his behalf, we dug right in.

After breakfast, the kids opened the gifts from P&J. They included: a Barbie with a walk along dog, a transformer, headbands and onytail holders, a Rubik's cube (electronic because apparently they don't make the basic model anymore), and a wii fit to accompany the wii from Santa.

Grandma got a Nikon Coolpix camera from Grandpa (although we are pretending it's from the kids), 2 sheep's wool steering wheel covers, and a container with strawberries on it from us. Grandpa got a jar of gin soaked  raisins from us to try to alleviate his arthritic aches and pains.

The kids and Charlie were happy playing with all their new loot. Mom and Dad were happy watching them and helping me get lunch ready.

For lunch we had penne with meat sauce; Italian or ham and cheese hoagies; a Mediterranean tray with olives, cheeses, marinated mushrooms, and crackers; cranberry salsa and chips, hot mulled cider, mixed berry wine, and cookies.

Doris (our former secretary) came for a nice visit at lunch. The Crowells came around 1:30 and caught the tale end of Doris' visit.

Then we opened the gifts from the Crowells. Luke got a Diary of a Wimpy Kid diary, McDonald's gift card, Harry Potter DVDs, gloves, a world records book, a glass boot filled with Hershey kisses that Mom Mom had given Charlie his 1st Christmas. Lily got a diary with a lock, McDonald's gift card, gloves, a glass boot filled with Hershey kisses (this one had been Ben's). I got gloves and socks. Charlie got a travel mug with a lifetime guarantee....we'll see about that!

Later in the afternoon we made chocolate covered pretzels using Hershey kisses and m&ms. We also made cannoli with shells and filling I'd bought at Russo's Italian Market. All turned out great and were a big hit!

The Crowells left around 6:30 and the kids started bickering amongst themselves over what wii game to play. so, we all went upstairs to our bedroom with a Harry Potter DVD. We all passed out and slept snuggled up together until this morning.

It was a really nice day filled with family, laughter, fun, and good food. We couldn't have asked for a better day!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

12-21-2010 Series of Unfortunate Events

Last week was a rough one. Certainly, it could have been much worse. But, it was rough one the less. Charlie continued to have problems with his left eye. That had actually started the week before. The eye doctor did remove a foreign body and thought that was the end of it. But, build up on the inside of the upper eyelid had us going back in to the eye doctor on Tuesday. We switched to eye ointment instead of drops.

Wednesday the minivan had a flat first thing in the morning. Lucky for us, Charlie hadn't left for work yet and was able to change the tire to the spare for us. I got the tire fixed and then spent several hours trying to get Charlie's new phone synced to the computer and working perfectly.

Thursday I attended my LPN students' graduation. Mom and Dad came to watch the kids. They did a gingerbread house. Quite nice since I would never have the patience to work on that with them.

Friday we had another eye doctor appointment. Finally, good news. He thinks the eye looks much better. About time!

Sunday Lily had a birthday bowling party to go to in the afternoon. It should be said that Charlie is the "Party Papa" and has always accompanied the kids to birthday parties. However, I felt bad for him since he'd had such a bad week. I told him I'd go instead of him. Give him a break, so to speak. This was a big mistake. We must have messed with his karma or mojo or cosmic forces or whatever. While Lily and I were at the bowling party, Charlie shot himself through the thumb with his nailgun. That'll teach him to opt out of kiddie parties.

Seriously, I do feel very bad for him. He thought he was going to pass out when he shot himself. He had to pace around the barn and do some cursing. Poor Luke was with him, on standby to call 911 if needed. They came down to the house, but Charlie felt like he needed to keep moving to distract himself from the pain. He showered. Then did dishes. Then unloaded the dishwasher. Then cleaned up the kitchen. That's no easy task and Lily and I were home before he finished it up.

It's been a couple of days since the thumb incident and of course, it does still hurt. But, he went to work Monday morning like a champ. He's blaming the whole incident on his impaired vision from the jacked up eye. Makes sense. Also, makes you wonder why he was using a nailgun with 180 psi of pressure if he couldn't really see clearly out of one eye. But , that a question for another day.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

12-18-2010 Cleaning House

We went through the kids toys today and donated a minivan full of stuff to Sal. Val. Also, got rid of a lot of trash. Toy box is empty. Entertainment center drawer is empty. Moved all toys into Luke's closet.

We are so ready for Christmas!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

12-14-2010 There's No Wealth Like Your Health

Poor Charlie is having eye problems. We went to the eye doctor on Friday who removed a piece of debris and put him on eye drops.

Last night I noticed something on the inside of his upper eyelid. So, we went back to the eye doctor again today. Now he's on an antibiotic/steroid ointment.

When I went to the pharmacy to pick it up the pharmacist told me the co-pay would be $120. I asked her to call the opthamologist and change it to something cheaper. Equivalent price = $19.60.

So, now we have another eye appt. Friday.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

12-12-2010 The Dawn of a New Era Has Begun

Lily got up eary this morning, around 5:30 am. She came to our room to check what the elf brought. Christmas tattoos and a candy cane were this morning's loot. She took the booty and went back to her room. She climbed back in bed and snuggled down with a good book. Didn't make any noise. Just quietly entertained herself until we got up. I was so proud of her!

12-11-2010 Boys Toys

Charlie and Luke created a go cart out of our old copilot for the bike and Amish garden cart. It didn't take them long to put together and Luke is happy with the results. It has reflectors at the top. Lily couldn't resist decorating them with some red berries, giving the cart a very festive look.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Collage of pictures many of which are from our Christmas decorating festivus on Black Friday.
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Sunday, December 5, 2010

12-5-2010 Baby it's Cold Outside

 Bad news is it's cold outside. Good news is the house is nice and toasty. When we woke up this morning it was flurrying. Thank goodness Charlie finally has the heat working in our bedroom. Not so much in the kitchen. Lily, bless her heart, brought me coffee upstairs so I wouldn't have to face the cold kitchen.

Luke and Charlie spent the day working on the heat. Lily and I stayed indoors. We had hamburgers for lunch. The kids and Charlie thought they were excellent. I thought I should have went easier on the steak sauce. I have 2 more packs of ground beef thawed in the 'fridge so I can make a big batch of chili tomorrow. First, I have to get onions and peppers at the store. Since, I'm now off from teaching for the next 2 months, I've got time.