Last week was a rough one. Certainly, it could have been much worse. But, it was rough one the less. Charlie continued to have problems with his left eye. That had actually started the week before. The eye doctor did remove a foreign body and thought that was the end of it. But, build up on the inside of the upper eyelid had us going back in to the eye doctor on Tuesday. We switched to eye ointment instead of drops.
Wednesday the minivan had a flat first thing in the morning. Lucky for us, Charlie hadn't left for work yet and was able to change the tire to the spare for us. I got the tire fixed and then spent several hours trying to get Charlie's new phone synced to the computer and working perfectly.
Thursday I attended my LPN students' graduation. Mom and Dad came to watch the kids. They did a gingerbread house. Quite nice since I would never have the patience to work on that with them.
Friday we had another eye doctor appointment. Finally, good news. He thinks the eye looks much better. About time!
Sunday Lily had a birthday bowling party to go to in the afternoon. It should be said that Charlie is the "Party Papa" and has always accompanied the kids to birthday parties. However, I felt bad for him since he'd had such a bad week. I told him I'd go instead of him. Give him a break, so to speak. This was a big mistake. We must have messed with his karma or mojo or cosmic forces or whatever. While Lily and I were at the bowling party, Charlie shot himself through the thumb with his nailgun. That'll teach him to opt out of kiddie parties.
Seriously, I do feel very bad for him. He thought he was going to pass out when he shot himself. He had to pace around the barn and do some cursing. Poor Luke was with him, on standby to call 911 if needed. They came down to the house, but Charlie felt like he needed to keep moving to distract himself from the pain. He showered. Then did dishes. Then unloaded the dishwasher. Then cleaned up the kitchen. That's no easy task and Lily and I were home before he finished it up.
It's been a couple of days since the thumb incident and of course, it does still hurt. But, he went to work Monday morning like a champ. He's blaming the whole incident on his impaired vision from the jacked up eye. Makes sense. Also, makes you wonder why he was using a nailgun with 180 psi of pressure if he couldn't really see clearly out of one eye. But , that a question for another day.
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