Saturday, January 29, 2011

1-27-2011 Beautiful Snow

We got about 8 to 10 inches of snow between yesterday and today. Woke up this morning to a truly beautiful scene with the snow clinging to the tree branches.

The kids had a 2 hour delay. Yesterday they went to school because it started snowing too close to start time to have a delay. They had early dismissal at 1:00. Charlie took them and picked them up because I was too scared to drive. I would have had them stay home all day.

Tomorrow I go back to work with a new group of nursing students. Hope this year goes well!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

1-23-2011 Play Date Sans Parent

Lily had a paly date with her friend Lila today. It's the first time I've dropped her off at someone else's house (other than family) and left her there with out me or Charlie. I actually felt pretty good about it, for the most part. I had a moment of weakness about half way thru where I considered calling to tell Katie (Lila's mom) that if they have any guns in the house they should make absolutely sure they were secured. But I controlled myself. They have small children...of course the house is safe. Right?

Charlie and Luke used the father - son time to follow animal tracks in the snow around our property.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

1-22-2011 Igloo for You

Built the igloo last weekend in the barn

Covered it with snow yesterday.

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Friday, January 21, 2011

1-21-2011 Snow Day Part Deux

Kids had their 2nd snow day this week. It's almost like Christmas vacation all over again. I'm not complaining though. I prefer having them home while I'm still off from work. They will have to make the days up before Easter, but I'm working that week, so it will all work out.

Charlie cleared us out with the snowblower, as usual. I made brownies with frosting instead of cookies. We've had so many snow days lately, we're actually getting a little tired of cookies. It's not that we're getting a lot of snow, just small doses every few days. We only had about 4 inches today.

Right now we're finishing up Harry Potter and then going to bed. Lily has a hockey game at 0830 tomorrow morning and that will be here before we know it. 

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

1-18-2011 Great Timing....About Time

Yesterday was Martin Luther King Day. Mom and Dad came down for a visit since the kids were off from school. We went to Shady Maple Smorgasbord. We were smart enough to go early and beat the crowd. When we left the lobby was packed with people waiting in line.

Next we went to the Shady Maple grocery store. I bought a bunch of teas in flavors we can't find at Redner's or Wal Mart. I also bought a ham hock to make red beans and rice.

We came home and the kids opened their gifts from Jill, Linda, and Gayle. Merry Wehry was cancelled this year since Mom had a GI bug. Jill got the kids a few games for the Wii. Gayle got Luke a lap harp and electricity experiment kit. She got Lily an art kit and body art set. Linda got them Just Dance 2 for the Wii.

Today we woke up to sleet and freezing rain. School was closed for the day. It worked out perfectly that they got the new Wii games yesterday and were able to try them out today.

Sunday, January 16, 2011


A couple of pictures from yesterday's hockey practice/match. Charlie is helping "coach". I put coach in quotes because he'll be the first to tell anyone who will listen he doesn't know a whole lot about hockey. He sees himself as more of a cheerleader.

I explained to Luke, who was being quite critical of the kids playing, that those of us who choose not to play can not criticize those who are out there doing it. I think the lesson needs quite a bit of reenforcement. We don't want him turning into an armchair quarterback.
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Saturday, January 15, 2011


Not much to say today. Lily had hockey this morning from 0800 to 1030. We ran to the grocery store and library. since then we've been hanging out at home. Charlie and Luke have been hauling wood to the outdoor furnace or tinkering in the barn. lily has gone back and forth from house to barn a few times. I've stayed in the house, cleaning up and doing laundry.

It's quite gray out at the moment and looks like snow. I'd welcome a coating, even though we still have inches of snow on the ground. There's something magical about when it snows.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011


It snowed about 5 to 6 inches last night. The kids had a two hour delay. Luke's knee felt good enough for him to go out in the snow and play for a bit. Lily joined him.

I baked chocolate chip cookies and bacon per Charlie's request.

The snow on the trees was absolutely gorgeous and the pictures do not do it justice at all.
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Monday, January 10, 2011

1-10-2011 Key Lyme Luke

Luke's lab work came back positive for Lyme disease. He'll be starting on amoxicillin tonight. He'll be on that twice a day for 28 days.

He's really hobbling around. his teacher described him as "gimpy" today.

Charlie nicknamed him Key Lyme Luke. I bought limeaide and key lime yogurt today at the grocery store to add a bit of whimsy to the situation.

Saturday, January 8, 2011

1-8-2011 Deck Hockey

Today was Lily's first day of deck hockey. She did great! Got right out there with the other kids and started hitting the ball around waiting until everybody was there. The coaches did a great job putting them in groups and showing them the fundamentals. she seemed to be paying attention and enjoying herself the whole time.

Luke did not want to do it. since his knee is sore it kind of took the decision out of our hands. we had been thinking that we'd have him give it a try to see if he liked it or not. But now that he's hobbling around, it's a no brainer that he can't play.

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Friday, January 7, 2011

A few pictures from around the property showing the snow we got this morning.

I love how the red berries stand out against the green leaves and white snow.
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1-7-2011 Snow Delay

Had a wee bit of snow overnight. About 2 1/4 inches according to Charlie. Enough for the kids to have a two hour delay from school. Just enough for them to have some extra down time, but they won't have to make it up.

I baked the traditional batch of chocolate chip cookies. They're Charlie's reward for snow blowing.

The kids are hanging out inside playing Wii. Luke can't go out and play because of his sore knee. Lily went out for maybe ten minutes and then came back in. I don't think she could entertain herself enough out there to make it worth braving the snow and cold. If Luke would have been with her she probably would have stayed out longer.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

1-6-2011 Lyme, Lyme Go Away. Don't Come Back Another Day!

My poor little buddy Luke probably has Lyme Disease. He's woke up with a sore knee Tuesday morning and couldn't remember hurting it. It didn't get better, so I took him to the pediatrician this morning. She's sure it's Lyme Disease. He had blood work drawn to confirm. Once we have confirmation he'll need to be on an antibiotic for a month. Poor little guy.

He has been saying he's tired for the past few weeks. We thought he was just trying to get out of helping around the house. Guess not.

He was pretty nervous about having the lab work drawn, but held up like a champ.I took him out to the Chinese Buffet for lunch afterwards. Poor little guy.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Lifted weights with Charlie for the second day in a row. we'd fallen off the weight lifting wagon there for a while. But, we're back on it now baby.

Went grocery shopping with Lily. she insisted on steering the cart and crossing items off the list. Did a great job too.

Breakfast was homemade pancakes.Lunch was Italian hoagie. Dinner is going to be homemade garlic bread and maybe pasta.

So happy to be healthy and not feeling like so many people are probably feeling from too much partying last night. I was asleep by 10-something. Charlie was looking at sites on the laptop until 11:11, then he made a wish and went to bed. He's big on making wishes when the numbers on the clock are the same. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with him. When we were first dating he'd set the alarm for 4:44 so he could wake up and make a wish. Precious.

Charlie and the kids are outside working on firewood as we speak. it's quite overcast, but very mild. almost 50 degrees out I think. We'll take it over the bone chilling cold we had a few weeks ago.