Saturday, January 1, 2011


Lifted weights with Charlie for the second day in a row. we'd fallen off the weight lifting wagon there for a while. But, we're back on it now baby.

Went grocery shopping with Lily. she insisted on steering the cart and crossing items off the list. Did a great job too.

Breakfast was homemade pancakes.Lunch was Italian hoagie. Dinner is going to be homemade garlic bread and maybe pasta.

So happy to be healthy and not feeling like so many people are probably feeling from too much partying last night. I was asleep by 10-something. Charlie was looking at sites on the laptop until 11:11, then he made a wish and went to bed. He's big on making wishes when the numbers on the clock are the same. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with him. When we were first dating he'd set the alarm for 4:44 so he could wake up and make a wish. Precious.

Charlie and the kids are outside working on firewood as we speak. it's quite overcast, but very mild. almost 50 degrees out I think. We'll take it over the bone chilling cold we had a few weeks ago.

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