Tuesday, February 1, 2011

2-1-2011 Good Day to Just Stay Home

Poor little Lily-bell woke up around midnight last night with a terrible earache. Charlie moved over to the uncomfortable bed in our room and Lily snuggle in with me. I gave her tylenol and the heating pad, but she couldn't settle down. So I tried reading to her, but could barely keep my eyes open after a while. So we put a video in the VCR. she watched all of Princess Diaries and was STILL awake. So, we put in Cinderella. She did finally settle down and fall asleep.

Then the superintendent called to let us know school was closed due to the snow,sleet, freezing rain that had been coming down for a few hours and was expected through out much of the day.

Luke complained last night at bedtime that his throat was sore and scratchy. he's been running a fever off and on all day today and doing a whole lot of nothing. Just laying around playing Wii or watching videos.

I, of course, am exhausted from the all nighter with Lily. I didn't even make Charlie cookies after he ran the snowblower. He had to make his own! 

The weather forecast people seem to feel fairly confident that we're going to get a good amount of ice overnight and into the morning. they're warning of "widespread power outages." Charlie fired up a few generaters and made sure we have plenty of fuel. Luke filled the tub with water in case we need it for toilet flushing. I filled all our drink pitchers with water in case we need that for cooking/cleaning/drinking. Guess we're as set as we're gonna be.

Right now Charlie and the kids are up in the barn playing deck hockey. I feel like I'm fighting a cold...probably because 2 sick kids hung on me quite a bit in the past 24 hours and I barely got any sleep. Praying for a good night's sleep tonight and no work tomorrow!

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