Sunday, July 31, 2011


Charlie took the kids to Dorney Park on Friday with Kathy and Adan. They had a great time and didn't get home until after 11 pm! It was the perfect day to enjoy the water park because with the heat index it was 104!

Dad fell yesterday into his boat while baling out water from his dock. Today he's very stiff and borrowed a cane from Gram Ada to walk this morning. Thank God he didn't break his neck!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Record setting heat today....106 degrees. I made plans for the kids to go to work with Charlie this morning until 0900. Then Kathy would pick them up and bring them here to stay inside in the comfortable air conditioning.

The 1st sign that things were not going as planned came when I arrived home and couldn't open the kitchen door. Lily had turned on the whole house fan. What this does is suck in air from outside the house. Not good when the temperature outside is 106. And they did not have on any of the ceiling fans. So, they all sat in the living room on the sofa. Sweating. And red. And wilted. Not good. The temp. in the living room with the AC running was 89.

I was not at all pleased. I basically sent Kathy and Adan packing. It took several hours to get things back to 'normal'. Of course, having air conditioning on such a day is a blessing. Even more so when used properly!

Thursday, July 21, 2011


It's 102 degrees outside. The kids and I have been inside all day. Luke is watching a DVD and Lily was watching Mario on the laptop.

Tomorrow is suposed to be even hotter. Kathy was supposed to watch the kids at her place. Since they do not have air conditioning I made the suggestion that Kathy come to our house. So that's the game plan.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


We went to see the final Harry Potter movie in 3-D yesterday afternoon. I'm sooo glad we did. It was wonderful! The best 1 in the series. Charlie and I both cried at the end. And I'm so happy we saw it in 3-D and before I started hearing chatter about it from others. VERY, VERY GOOD!

Afterwards, we stopped off at Schells b/c Charlie had to use the bathroom. He and the kids got ice cream to top off the afternoon.

Then we came home and started watching Harry Potter DVDs that we have.

A nice way to spend a Friday afternoon as a family!

Today we did work around the house all morning then ran errands in the afternoon. Charlie and the kids are coming up from the dock and I'm making roasted potatoes and hamburgers for supper.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


We sure have been enjoying our summer. Last Friday Charlie was off and spent the day with the kids. They went miniature golfing, had lunch at Five Guys Burgers and Fries and then went to Blue Marsh Lake. Unfortunately, they weren't at Blue Marsh very long when thunderstorms moved in and they had to leave.Still and all, they had a very enjoyable day.

Sunday we went with P&J on a bus trip to Baltimore Inner Harbor to the National Aqarium. We spent the entire day at the aquarium and had a very nice time. Lily's favorite things were: the escalators, buying a turtle braclet and necklace, being with family, and the revolving doors. Next time we can save a trip and just go to the mal(ha,ha).

Yesterday, I took the kids to Blue Marsh for the afternoon. It was so cookin' hot, even I spent almost all my time in the water. we had lots of fun. When we pulled into Blue Marsh the kids told me Charlie paid on Friday even though no one was at the guard house and they had an "honor box" set up. I explained that Charlie and I believe in karma and even though we may not be reward that day for doing the right thing, eventually we will be. Luke goes, "well's that workin' for ya?" Too funny!

Kathy has been taking them swimming to Debbie's on Wednesdays and Fridays when she watches them.They play "name a body part" on the way home. She told them they could not name inappropritate body parts. then she dropped her glasses and said "oh, nuts." They immediately jumped on her for saying an inappropriate body part. they're quick!

Monday, July 4, 2011

Saturday, July 2, 2011


Great start to the long weekend. Yesterday I took the kids to Blue Marsh for a couple of hours to play in the sand and swim. They had a great time. I did too, except that I stepped on a bee and it stung me. I had to send the kids alone to the minivan to get me baking soda to put on the sting. They crossed the parking lot by themselves. I was quite nervous, but it couldn't be helped. They did a great job taking care of me, then getting right back to fun and games.

Today we enjoyed time down at the dock. Charlie did some fishing from the canoe. Luke took the kayak out for a little fishing, although he stayed tethered to the canoe for safety.Lily swam. I read. we had hamburgers and chips dockside. Very nice. Now we're pooped and hanging out in our bedroom watching a Harry Potter DVD.