We sure have been enjoying our summer. Last Friday Charlie was off and spent the day with the kids. They went miniature golfing, had lunch at Five Guys Burgers and Fries and then went to Blue Marsh Lake. Unfortunately, they weren't at Blue Marsh very long when thunderstorms moved in and they had to leave.Still and all, they had a very enjoyable day.
Sunday we went with P&J on a bus trip to Baltimore Inner Harbor to the National Aqarium. We spent the entire day at the aquarium and had a very nice time. Lily's favorite things were: the escalators, buying a turtle braclet and necklace, being with family, and the revolving doors. Next time we can save a trip and just go to the mal(ha,ha).
Yesterday, I took the kids to Blue Marsh for the afternoon. It was so cookin' hot, even I spent almost all my time in the water. we had lots of fun. When we pulled into Blue Marsh the kids told me Charlie paid on Friday even though no one was at the guard house and they had an "honor box" set up. I explained that Charlie and I believe in karma and even though we may not be reward that day for doing the right thing, eventually we will be. Luke goes, "well mom...how's that workin' for ya?" Too funny!
Kathy has been taking them swimming to Debbie's on Wednesdays and Fridays when she watches them.They play "name a body part" on the way home. She told them they could not name inappropritate body parts. then she dropped her glasses and said "oh, nuts." They immediately jumped on her for saying an inappropriate body part. they're quick!