Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Record setting heat today....106 degrees. I made plans for the kids to go to work with Charlie this morning until 0900. Then Kathy would pick them up and bring them here to stay inside in the comfortable air conditioning.

The 1st sign that things were not going as planned came when I arrived home and couldn't open the kitchen door. Lily had turned on the whole house fan. What this does is suck in air from outside the house. Not good when the temperature outside is 106. And they did not have on any of the ceiling fans. So, they all sat in the living room on the sofa. Sweating. And red. And wilted. Not good. The temp. in the living room with the AC running was 89.

I was not at all pleased. I basically sent Kathy and Adan packing. It took several hours to get things back to 'normal'. Of course, having air conditioning on such a day is a blessing. Even more so when used properly!

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