Monday, August 22, 2011


Charlie and the kids are at the Jolly Roger Amusement and Water Park today. They packed a  bag of drinks and snacks but forgot it here in the room. I called and offered to drive it to them, but they declined. lily in particular seemed pleased with the fact that they'd have to buy whatever they needed.

 Kathy, Ben, and Adan left for home. Adan got 2 hermit crabs to have as pets before they left. It certainly made leaving much easier for him and was a stroke of genious on Kathy's part.

 I'm hanging out solo in the hotel room. Doing a little puttering around the room. Reading. Snacking. Took off my nail polish. Will soon get a shower. Blogging. It's sunny and hot in the sun and I have no desire whatsoever to face that. 

I was awake before sunrise, but didn't feel like getting out of bed and going to the beach for the photo op. We all slept/stayed in bed until around 0730. I suppose that's what vacation is all about.

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Started today off watching the sun rise by myself on the beach. I saw dolphins swimming not too far off shore. It was so beautiful I told Charlie it was much more of a religious experience than going to church. I had problems with my camera, but managed to get some good pictures of both the sunrise and the dolphins as well as seagulls and some other kind of bird I find quite entertaining as it eats along the water's edge.

I came back to the room and Charlie, Lily, and I went for breakfast. Luke was still asleep in the room with Kathy, Ben, and Adan. We came back after hanging out for a while under a nice shady pergola and everybody but me went miniature golfing across the street from the hotel.

Once they came back we went poolside for lunch with eveybody for pizza. Charlie and Lily are still out there. Luke hasn't wanted to do anything but hang out in the room and watch TV since they got back from miniature golf. I'm in the room with him. The sun is pretty intense and I don't mind being in the air conditioning as opposed to the heat 1 little bit.

Saturday, August 20, 2011


At the beach....Left home yesterday quite early, around 0600. Arrived at the beach around 1045. We changed into swimsuits and hit the beach for the afternoon. Clouds started rolling in along with some thunder that had the life guards clearing the beach. so, off we went to Grotto Pizza, which hit the spot perfectly. After our early dinner we took a drive south along the Coastal Highway to the end of the boardwalk and across the bay. Then we headed back to the hotel and met up with Kathleen in our hotel room. A long day for sure, but happy we arrived safe & sound and the kids are thrilled to be here.

This morning Lily and I headed down to the beach around 0545 to watch the sun rise and get some great pictures. Then we went to Dunkin Donuts for cofee. Charlie and the kids took a bike ride from our hotel on 145th street all the way to 1st street. There they went to Ripley's Musuem. They took the bus back to the hotel since they were too exhausted to ride their bikes back. We're currently hanging out in the hotel room, getting ready to go down to the beach soon.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Packed and ready for the beach. We plan on leaving tomorrow morning by 0600. I did not want to go and tried my best to weasle out of it. But Lily was very determined that I go and Charlie and Luke said they wanted me to go, although they would respect my decision to stay home. So....I'm going.

The kids are sooooo excited. They were in full gear all day today. They played in the barn with water balloons while I got us packed.

Praying for a safe, healthy trip.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Finished up back to school shopping yesterday. I took each child separately. They only needed a few things each. I did get them each a new pair of sneakers. So, they're all set.

Yesterday Charlie and the kids took the canoe to try to find the dock. They found it on an island about 3 miles fromhere. Charlie dis-assembled the whole thing and boated it across the river piece by piece. Then he loaded it into his truck and brought it home. Good thing they went yesterday because it's been raining ever since. The river is up 4 feet since yesterday.

Not too much going on today. Just chilling at home.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


We got our back to school packets in the mail today. Wow did the summer go fast! I don't know Luke's teacher and haven't heard of anyone else we know in his class yet. Lily's teacher I know vaguely from volunteering last year in the school work room. She doesn't seem overly warm & fuzzy. Hoping I'm wrong about that. We haven't heard of anyone we know in Lily's class yet either. I put out emails and a posting on Facebook.

This morning Charlie & the kids went to Sam's to buy a new bed for me & Charlie. We HATE the bed we bought a few years ago. But....we are making interest-free payments on it until 2013. Out of a misplaced sense of I don't even know what, I insisted on sleeping in that God awful bed at least until we paid it off. However, I have been having too many aches and pains and think the bad bed has something to do with it. So....Charlie talked me into a new bed. $319 from Sam's Club.

The other big ticket item Charlie and the kids purchased while at Sam's was a big screen TV. 32 inches. Now mind you, we still do not have any kind of cable or satellite television service. So we'll be using the big screen for DVD's and the kids to play Wii. Maybe we'll look into a video streaming online service in the future. I knew they'd come home w/ a big screen even though I told Charlie not to. I wasn't at all surprised. He sent Lily into the house when they got home to break the news to me. Not worth getting upset over. plus, I was all hepped up over the school packets.

Federal Budget vs. Household Budget: How Do They Compare? -

Federal Budget vs. Household Budget: How Do They Compare? -