Saturday, August 6, 2011


We got our back to school packets in the mail today. Wow did the summer go fast! I don't know Luke's teacher and haven't heard of anyone else we know in his class yet. Lily's teacher I know vaguely from volunteering last year in the school work room. She doesn't seem overly warm & fuzzy. Hoping I'm wrong about that. We haven't heard of anyone we know in Lily's class yet either. I put out emails and a posting on Facebook.

This morning Charlie & the kids went to Sam's to buy a new bed for me & Charlie. We HATE the bed we bought a few years ago. But....we are making interest-free payments on it until 2013. Out of a misplaced sense of I don't even know what, I insisted on sleeping in that God awful bed at least until we paid it off. However, I have been having too many aches and pains and think the bad bed has something to do with it. So....Charlie talked me into a new bed. $319 from Sam's Club.

The other big ticket item Charlie and the kids purchased while at Sam's was a big screen TV. 32 inches. Now mind you, we still do not have any kind of cable or satellite television service. So we'll be using the big screen for DVD's and the kids to play Wii. Maybe we'll look into a video streaming online service in the future. I knew they'd come home w/ a big screen even though I told Charlie not to. I wasn't at all surprised. He sent Lily into the house when they got home to break the news to me. Not worth getting upset over. plus, I was all hepped up over the school packets.

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