Sunday, September 4, 2011


Holy much has happened since I last posted. Where to begin?

The day we returned from OCMD there was an earthquake in Virginia, not terribly far from where we were on the road driving home. We knew absolutely nothing about it until Dad called Charlie's cell phone and told us. The radio in the minivan doesn't work. It shorted out a few days before we left for the beach. Some of the towns we drove thru had sirens going, but we didn't think anything of it at the time. Another example of ignorance being bliss.

Then the weekend following our return we had Hurricane Irene. She was a pretty big deal up and down the east coast as millions lost power and experienced storm damage. We kept power, but lost 2 big trees next to the barn and lots of branches and leaves. The trees kept blowing in a scary way, so we hung out in our emergency closet and watched DVDs. Better safe than sorry. It was kinda fun. Like a camping adventure.

Then that Monday the kids started school. Lily thinks her teacher (Mrs. Reimert) is very nice. She's not happy there are some special needs kids in her class who act out, but overall seems okay with the state of things. Luke isn't too enthusiastic about school or his teacher. He wants to try home schooling. I'm asking him to hang in there until Christmas and then we'll re-evaluate.

This past Thursday marked the end of week 1 of the school year. We celebrated by having a scavenger hunt with treats all along the way. The kids loved it!

Yesterday Charlie and Luke bought BB guns at Wal Mart. They dream of wounding/killing the groundhogs that are all over the property. We shall see...

Today Charlie and the kids are at Dorney Park enjoying themselves. I had no desire to go and am enjoying the peace and quiet here at home. A win-win for everyone!

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