Monday, October 31, 2011

10-31-2011 Halloween!

The kids did not have school today due to a wide spread power outage from the snowstorm we had on Saturday. I had to call off work to stay home with them since we didn't really have a plan in place this morning. We already received the call this evening that they won't have school tomorrow either. Thank God we haven't lost power!

We hung out together all day playing Monopoly and watching shows on the computer or DVDs from the library. Great to relax together.

Luke has a sinus infection and didn't go trick or treating this evening. I stayed home with him and Charlie took Lily to Reeser Heights, our old stand-by. Bless her heart, she came right home and dumped out her bag of treats to share with Luke.

Looking forward to hanging out with the kids again tomorrow. We have Dad lined up for Wednesday to watch the kids if they still don't have school. Who would have thought we'd be dealing with the aftermath of a snowstorm on Halloween!

10-31-2011 Halloween

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Saturday, October 29, 2011

10-29-2011 Good snowman snow for Halloween

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We are experiencing our 1st snow storm of the season. Charlie called me Thursday evening on his way home from work to tell me he heard we were supposed to get 4-6 inches of snow this weekend. I told him he was crazy and that obviously was not the forecast for Pennsylvania.

Then, on my way to work yesterday morning, I heard the same darn forecast. From Philly! So, when I got to work, I checked the local news website. Sure enough, they were calling for lots of snow. And so was the weather channel. I refused to believe it. It seemed impossible yesterday afternoon with the temperature in the 50's and blue, sunny skies.

We went to deck hockey this morning for 0900. By the time we finished that around 1030, the minivan had a nice layer of big, fluffy, wet flakes over it. So did the parking lot. It's now about 1545 and I'd say we have about 4 inches of snow. the roads are trecherous and 32,000 people are without electricity. Wow! Happy Halloween! I supoose we could look at this as another trick from Mother Nature.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011


So happy to report that Luke really enjoyed his field trip to Crystal Cave! He came home and chatted all about it. Very nice to see him excited and enthusiastic!

10-24-2011 Brownies Ceremony

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Last night Lily was inducted into her Brownies Troop. Luke and I attended the ceremony. The treat afterwards was brownies of course!

Charlie continues to have rhonchi, rubbing, and wheezing throughout his lung fields. Will be calling the doctor today and asking for a respiratory consult.

Luke is going on a field trip today to Crystal Cave. Hoping he has a great time! He was supposed to have a playdate this past Saturday, but had a cold and we had to cancel it.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


Good weekend with out any rain! Yesterday we had deck hockey from 0900 to 1030. Then we did a bunch of running around. Charlie and Lily went to the high school football game last night and styed until half-time. It was Lily's first football game. Luke and I stayed home and watched Modern Marvels on Netflix.

Today we did stuff around the house all day and were very productive. Felt great! 

Thursday, October 13, 2011


It's raining.....again. We did manage to squeeze in a trip to Weaver's Orchard this past Saturday while it was sunny and warm. Of course, everyone in the tri-county area had the same idea and the place was packed!

Charlie continues with a hacking, non-productive cough. He's had it for about a month and had a CXR on Tuesday that they tell us is clear. Seems hard to believe given how his lungs sound. So, he's taking zithromax and an inhaler. Hope he gets better. He hasn't missed any work and actually sounds better than he did a week or 2 ago.

We continue learning about the ipad Charlie bought. We have a cable so we can hook it to the big screen TV and watch Netflix stream videos. The kids are enjoying a mirror app that distorts their features and garage band where they make up and play their own songs. Lots of entertainment value.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


We all had a wonderful weekend! After school on Friday I took the kids up to P&J's for a weekend sleepover. They went to Tobias' Aanimal Farm on Saturday for a fall festival and had a great time by all reports. Lily held a snake during a reptile show. Both loved the petting zoo and outdoor playground.

Charlie and I did the 4 Centuries in Berks Historic Homes Tour. This year the area explored was Wyomissing and it was the best tour to date. We loved it! Lots of great houses. It took us the entire day to do them all. We stopped off at Dunkin Donuts on our way and snacked on donuts and coffee on the drive between houses. Afterwards we went to Austin's for dinner. We really had a great time. It was a year ago that we had the hostage crisis next door. It sure was nice not to have that stressor this year!

As I type this it's early Tuesday morning and I'm on a rocking chair by a window in my bedroom. Lily is asleep in my bed and Luke asleep in Charlie's bed. Charlie left for his job in Wynnewood about an hour ago. The heat is on (we turned it on Sunday morning and knock on wood it seems to be working) and we are warm and cozy. Life is good!