Saturday, October 29, 2011


We are experiencing our 1st snow storm of the season. Charlie called me Thursday evening on his way home from work to tell me he heard we were supposed to get 4-6 inches of snow this weekend. I told him he was crazy and that obviously was not the forecast for Pennsylvania.

Then, on my way to work yesterday morning, I heard the same darn forecast. From Philly! So, when I got to work, I checked the local news website. Sure enough, they were calling for lots of snow. And so was the weather channel. I refused to believe it. It seemed impossible yesterday afternoon with the temperature in the 50's and blue, sunny skies.

We went to deck hockey this morning for 0900. By the time we finished that around 1030, the minivan had a nice layer of big, fluffy, wet flakes over it. So did the parking lot. It's now about 1545 and I'd say we have about 4 inches of snow. the roads are trecherous and 32,000 people are without electricity. Wow! Happy Halloween! I supoose we could look at this as another trick from Mother Nature.

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