Wednesday, December 7, 2011


So very much has been going on since my last post my head is spinning! Actually, on my birthday, Luke had his first meeting with a child psychologist. I got him to go by saying it would be his birthday present to me to just go and hear her out. Since then he's met with her a few more times and she met with Charlie and I last week. She's diagnosed Luke with moderate to severe anxiety and high functioning Asperger's Syndrome.

After talking with the psychologist, each other, and a lot of soul searching, Charlie and I have decided to take Luke out of the classroom setting and have him attend cyber school from the comfort of our home.

I've resigned from my job. Friday will be my last day. It would have been my last day with this group of nursing students anyway. I would have been off until the last week of January. But I wanted to give my boss plenty of time to find a replacement and so I let her know last week that I won't be coming back.

Right now I'm in the process of gathering information on the right cyber school to enroll him in. I didn't know where to start, so I contacted the school principal. She pointed me in the direction of the IU. I'm getting information from them and hoping we can keep Luke enrolled in his school, just attend classes at home.

Charlie has Ryan and David Jr. (from Trade Masters) painting our office which will be converted into the office/classroom.

So much is happening and on top of that is the mental/emotional stress of knowing Luke has fallen through the cracks for so many years. I feel angry and disappointed with myself and the school district. Hopefully, we are now on the right path for what is best for him! My main concern is his health and happiness. 

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