Sunday, May 20, 2012

5-20-2012 Unexpected Fun Day

Grandma K. called this morning and asked if the kids wanted to stop in and hang out with Adan. That meant Charlie and I could have a few hours to ourselves. No-brainer!

We dropped them off and went to Shupp's Grove for their outdoor antique market. Spent $5 on a fire billow to blow air into the goblet of fire we got 2 or 3 weeks ago.

Then we headed to Wegman's in Downingtown for a grocery shopping adventure. We bought a cart full of stuff as we always do. But this time we snacked in the parking lot on some rosemary and sea salt bread and hot pepper spread we put on little baguette slices. Charlie loved the hot pepper spread so much we went back inside and bought 6 more jars!

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