Tuesday, August 21, 2012

8-21-2012 Life's a Beach

We're at Ocean City, MD for our annual vacation before the kids start back to school. We arrived yesterday around 1130. Our hotel room wasn't ready yet. Luckily, we'd planned ahead and Charlie and the kids wore their swimsuits on the trip down. We walked to the beach and hung out there for a few hours. It was a bit chilly (mid 70's) and spritzed a few drops of rain here and there. Charlie and the kids didn't even notice. I made a trip to the minivan and put on a rain jacket. Of course, by the time I got back down to the beach it had stopped.

Then came back to the hotel pool where Charlie and the kids played while I unpacked.

We all headed back down to the beach in the late afternoon for fun in the sand and surf. Several porpoises swam off shore and I tried to get some pictures of them.

Lily and Charlie went to Grotto Pizza for dinner with Kathy, Sr., Ben, and Adan (they left this morning to go back home). Luke and I had had enough and enjoyed a nice, quiet evening in the hotel room. I puttered on the laptop and read. Luke enjoyed TV.

This morning we headed to Dunkin Donuts for coffee. Then Charlie and the kids went to Jolly Rodger Water and Amusement Park. I've been tidying up the room and fiddling with pictures on the computer. Think I'll do some reading next. It's supposed to reach a high of 77 today, so I may venture down to the beach later.

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