Friday, October 12, 2012

10-12-2012 Signing up for Basketball... Whoop, whoop!

The day Lily has been waiting for has finally arrived. She and Charlie left about an hour ago to sign her up for basketball. Charlie is going to volunteer as a parent coach. So exciting! She has been looking forward to this for about a year. I hope she likes it. And doesn't get hurt. Ditto for Charlie.

Luke is having a play date with his friend Tyler. They are building cup castles. And creating Hot Wheels race tracks. And shooting each other with Nerf guns. Boys play dates are full of action.

Tonight is the first night the forecast includes a frost warning. Love it! I am so very ready for fall. Love the cooler weather. Love fall foods including hot tea and cider and roasted veggies and stews. Love fall clothes, especially jeans and sweaters. Love the changing leaves. Lots to love about fall.

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