Tuesday, January 1, 2013

1-1-2013 New Year

I think we set a personal record with bedtimes last night. We were each tucked in our respective beds by 5:30 pm. Lily was hanging up clothes, then listening to her iPod. Luke was using Charlie's iPad. Charlie, who has a cold, and I were watching The West Wing on the MacBook Pro in our bed.

I asked Lily this morning what her favorite part of 2012 was. She said vacation at Ocean City, MD.

I asked Luke what his favorite part of last year was, but he wouldn't give an answer. I, personally, think  starting cyber school was the best thing that happened to him last year.

I'm drawing a blank on any one, big thing that would qualify as a 'best' for my 2012. I think we were very blessed in terms of good health. I think we were fortunate that I was able to leave my job as a nursing instructor and stay home with Luke for cyber school. It always feels like a bit of a miracle when Charlie's business is able to support us through another year. So, looking back on 2012, I'd say the best part about it is that we made it through unscathed, healthy and together.

Charlie is still in bed. I'll have to get his take on 2012 later today. He did mention last night that he did not look back on it as a banner year.

We do not do resolutions. Better to try anew each day to do our best.

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