Sunday, February 3, 2013

2-3-2013 No Party, No Problem!

Luke did not want to have his 10th birthday party this weekend. He did not want it on Saturday because lily had a basketball game at noon. His reasoning was that if the grandparents went to the game and saw Lily play, it would steal some of the thunder from his party. He did not want the party today because it snowed last night and is supposed to snow again this evening. That on top of it being Super Bowl Sunday persuaded him that the grandparents should not be on the roads. Perhaps we will try to have a party in 2 weeks when Mom is off again.

I always get a bit sentimental when it's the kids birthdays. I find myself reminiscing about what stage of pregnancy or labor I was in at this time of the day 10 years ago.

Poor Ben has broken his tibia and fibula. He fell while walking on Wednesday and Kathy took him for x-rays yesterday. He's in a cast and using a walker to get around. He isn't in any pain because he has neuropathy...which is why they didn't realize he had a fracture in the first place.

We are planning on watching the Super Bowl online this evening. I suppose we'll pile onto our bed and see what we can see. I told the kids they could stay up until 8 pm. We'll see if any of us make it that long. They were outside with Charlie for a few hours this morning loading and stacking firewood. Between the cold, snow, and manual labor, I don't expect them to last long. 

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