Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Well, I for one, can not believe today is the last day of July! This summer is flying by. We went to Root's Auction yesterday with P&J. Mom retired, her last day at work was this past Sunday. I don't think it's sunk in with any of us just yet. Lily went home with them from Root's for a sleepover. She'll come back Friday morning when Charlie and I take Mom to the Apple store to buy a laptop. It will be their 1st computer. EVER! This past week they had Dish Network installed for satellite TV and DSL installed for internet access. They sure are moving forward....FINALLY!

Charlie is busy building a house in Lehigh County for a lovely young couple. We are thrilled to have the work.

I'm absolutely loving working every weekend. It's great to be home with the kids during the week and just as great to be back at the bedside doing nursing care. I am a happy camper!

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