Tuesday, December 3, 2013


     For the 1st time in many, many years, I worked Thanksgiving. Charlie and the kids went to ThanksGibney without me. They came home starving, but otherwise fine. My day at work wasn't bad and I enjoyed the quiet time alone at home before they returned.

     I have been experiencing low BP, tachycardia, shakiness, and blurred vision. All labs, physical and eye exam came back normal. I don't have as much energy as I normally would. This has caused a delay in elf gifts and decorating for Christmas. Normally, we decorate on Black Friday. No one wanted to this year. So, we didn't. I took fall decorations down yesterday. They're sitting in a tub in the hallway downstairs, waiting for someone to carry them to the attic. The Christmas decorations are in the attic, waiting for someone to carry them downstairs. I finally bought elf gift candy yesterday. So, elf gifts started this morning, minus the traditional elf gift stocking that would normally hang in my room. I haven't done any Christmas shopping yet.

     I took Lily to the Chinese buffet for lunch yesterday. She ate 3 plates full of food then puked all over the passenger seat and floor of the minivan. Thankfully, Charlie was home to clean up the mess. Lily is fine, she said she was just too full. The car still stinks and I'm using baking soda to try to draw the stench out. Luke was horrified and hasn't been in the minivan since the incident. Luckily, he stayed home and wasn't witness to it. If that was the case, we'd probably never hear the end of it.


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