Monday, August 25, 2014

8-25-2014 First Day of School, First Day of School

First day of 5th grade for Lily and 6th grade for Luke. Both kids back under the same roof, this time at the middle school. Luke is taking math every morning from 0750-0910. I'll pick him up and bring him home and then we'll do the rest of his classes via cyber school.

Both kids rode the bus to school. Haven't done that in quite a while. We were stopped in the parking lot  at the bus stop. The owner of the orchard said it is private property and we can't be there. I've forwarded his concern to the district and they can figure out what to do.

Luke and I went to a quick orientation at the I.U. for the new cyber school we've switched to this year. Then I took him to the job site to work with Charlie since he owes him money for repairs to the RC car and is paying back the money via labor.

Lily and I are hanging out here at home waiting for them to arrive with pizza and stromboli from Bruno's…our favorite! Great way to celebrate the 1st day of school.

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