Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10-20-2015 No Wealth Like your Health

     I have always believed in the old adage their is  no wealth like your health. That proves true time and again. About 2 weeks ago, Dad tripped over a hose down at the little dam and hurt his shoulder. Mom took him to the ER for what I believe was the second time in his life. They had to wait 6.5 hours to confirm via x-ray there were no fractures. Jill stopped to see him the next day on her way home from work and thought his shoulder had a significant drop. so mom called the oath who took another look at the x-rays and said he thought it would be fine. He was going on vacation, but they could follow up with the family doctor if he wasn't better in a week. Thankfully, he seems to be doing a bit better each day. In the meantime, Mom got biopsy results back from a lesion I noted on her ear. The results were positive for basal cell skin cancer. She is having that removed by the plastic surgeon today. I am nursing a cold. I spent yesterday on the sofa napping and reading, completely unplugged from the world. Today I do feel much better, but not yet back to myself. Charlie felt he was getting sick last evening and went to bed right after supper. This morning he looked and sounded much better. Fingers crossed he and the kids stay well.

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