Wednesday, November 2, 2016

11-2-2016 Eve of my 45th Birthday

Tomorrow I'll turn 45. I'm very happy to say that I'm in better shape going into 45 than I was going into 40-44. I joined Planet Fitness gym back in July or August when it was too hot to be outside or in the barn doing the treadmill. I've been very pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoy going to the gym. I actually look forward to it. My routine is to drop the kids off at school and then head straight for the gym most days. I'm walking at a 3.5 pace (17 minutes per mile) and do the treadmill for 1 hour. My cardio status has definitely improved. As has my energy level.

Luke just finished up football and Lily finished up basketball. Neither one had any serious injuries and for that I'm very grateful. Luke played for less than a minute in actual games. He and we were fine with that. He enjoyed being part of a team and being with his friends. Charlie coached Lily for her traveling team, Hooks and Ladders.

I'm still working every weekend. I've been filling in a day or two a week to help out as unit manager and doing infection control data collection and reporting. I do not enjoy being there during the week. I'm hopeful they'll get their slots filled and I can go back to just doing every weekend.

Mom and Dad are doing well. I try to talk to Mom a few times a week on the phone. We're getting together next week to celebrate my birthday. We'll probably go to Community Aide thrift shop in Selingsgrove and Wenger's Discount Grocery Store. We love getting good buys!

So....I'm very grateful for my health and the health of my loved ones. If I could be so bold as to put a wish out there into the universe it would be for another year of more of the same.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

8-30-2016 Another School Year Begins

Yesterday was the kids' first day of school. Luke entering 8th grade and Lily 7th. We all enjoyed homemade Belgian waffles from a new waffle maker I'd bought the day before. That was a very nice start to the day. I dropped the kids at school and then went to work for a few hours as I'm helping out since there's not many nurses in administration at the moment. I left work at 1:30 to be home before the kids got home. Neither one was overly chatty but nor were they overly negative. I'm going to call the first day a win. I pray they both have a productive year and remain safe and healthy.

Friday, July 29, 2016

7-29-2016 Bursitis and Cellulitis

Charlie's left elbow has bursitis and cellulitis. He has a fair amount of pain and is running a fever on and off. We went to the doctor today and got a script for reflex. He took one and broke out in hives. He'll need to call her tomorrow morning and have her call in a different script.

He also had an x-ray that shows soft tissue swelling (evident without and x-ray) and labs drawn. We haven't heard the results of the labs yet. I'm sure his WBC are elevated.

He has an appointment with an ortho-pod next Friday. That was the earliest appointment we could get. They may need to aspirate the fluid from the elbow.

Because the pain has been significant, we got a script for Norco 5/325. I'm planning on giving him one tonight at bedtime. Hopefully, he'll get a decent night's sleep.

This has been quite the adventure. Whenever something happens to our health, it really makes me take pause and appreciate the good health we take for granted every day. Charlie feels the same.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

7-14-2016 New Kitty

We brought home a new kitten today that we got from Uncle Carl and Aunt Edie. It comes from the same litter as the 2 kittens mom and dad got last week. They love their kittens. We went to visit them today and fell in love ourselves. So we texted Charlie at work and got his reluctant blessing to bring one home. I'm hoping and praying it will be a good little cat companion for us. It's presently snuggled up against my leg sleeping signs of difficulty adapting to its surroundings thus far!

Monday, June 6, 2016

6-6-16 Almost the End of the School Year

     Today is Monday and the kids will be done with school on Friday. Luke has made it through his first year back to full-time public school after a few years of home schooling apparently intact and fine. I just asked him the other day if he wanted to go back to home schooling and he said he did not. He's still busy with baseball at least twice a week. Lily has basketball just as often, usually more often. I do not enjoy how busy our family has become in the evenings. On the other hand, I do completely enjoy the quiet time I've had to myself alone at the house Monday-Friday while Charlie is at work and the kids are at school. I shall miss the peace and quiet this summer to be sure.

     Smoochie has not returned to us. I feel much more empathy towards those who have a loved one missing. You can't help be hold on to hope that perhaps they are fine and will still return. I would like to get another cat. Perhaps a year or two old to keep me company during the day. Half-tail has been very loving and playful and a good companion for me. She's even warmed up to Charlie and he to her which is quite a surprise.


Monday, May 9, 2016

5-9-2016 Smoochie Missing

We haven't seen Smoochie in almost a week. He went out of the house last Wednesday evening and hasn't returned. He has never been gone more than overnight that I can recall so I'm afraid something awful has happened to him. The kids are very concerned and we've searched the property and asked all the neighbors. Each day my hope that he'll show up grows a little bit dimmer.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

4-9-2016 Fourteen Years of Wedded Bliss

I worked. Lily had 2 basketball games. Luke gamed. Charlie parented. We all had pizza and stromboli for supper to celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary. No gifts were exchanged but we did buy a new sofa, recliner chair, and 2 rugs this past week. I guess we will count that as an anniversary gift!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter 2016

I worked for Easter. Charlie was diagnosed the day before with bronchitis. It was the Easter that wasn't. Unfortunately, this is baseline for us. Every year at least one of us is good and sick for Easter. The kids each got a $100 bill when I got home from work and we called it a day. I did heat up some ham and we had that for supper. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

3-4-2016 Same Old, Same Old

Not much new going on really. We're all fine. We didn't do anything big to celebrate Luke's 13th birthday on 2-4-16. We'll celebrate a half-birthday in August  for him.

We had a big blizzard with about 30 inches of snow the end of January (1/23 and 1/24). I had to spend the night at work which was no fun at all. Charlie took me in Saturday morning and picked me up Sunday afternoon.

My kitchen countertops were installed the week after the big blizzard. They look absolutely fabulous and I love them!

I worked on Valentine's Day and put Charlie and the kids in charge of gift giving. They did very well and got us chocolates and chocolate lab wine and travel mugs for me and Charlie as well.

I will be working Easter this year. Charlie wants to go on a 4 day hike, but neither kid wants to go with him. I am insisting he not leave them along for Saturday and Easter Sunday. He may do an overnight trip tonight to get some hiking in. We had a dusting of snow overnight last night, but it's pretty much melted now.

Lily just finished up 6th grade basketball. Luke will start his final season of little league baseball on Monday. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Mr. Meow 1-14-2016

Mr. Meow, our friendly feral cat, was attacked by a wild animal earlier this week. The vet had to put him down today because his injuries were too severe to heal. The kids just got home from school and I just told them the sad news. We will bury Mr. Meow next to Petunia, in front of the barn, when Charlie comes home and digs out the spot. We are heartbroken.