Wednesday, November 2, 2016

11-2-2016 Eve of my 45th Birthday

Tomorrow I'll turn 45. I'm very happy to say that I'm in better shape going into 45 than I was going into 40-44. I joined Planet Fitness gym back in July or August when it was too hot to be outside or in the barn doing the treadmill. I've been very pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoy going to the gym. I actually look forward to it. My routine is to drop the kids off at school and then head straight for the gym most days. I'm walking at a 3.5 pace (17 minutes per mile) and do the treadmill for 1 hour. My cardio status has definitely improved. As has my energy level.

Luke just finished up football and Lily finished up basketball. Neither one had any serious injuries and for that I'm very grateful. Luke played for less than a minute in actual games. He and we were fine with that. He enjoyed being part of a team and being with his friends. Charlie coached Lily for her traveling team, Hooks and Ladders.

I'm still working every weekend. I've been filling in a day or two a week to help out as unit manager and doing infection control data collection and reporting. I do not enjoy being there during the week. I'm hopeful they'll get their slots filled and I can go back to just doing every weekend.

Mom and Dad are doing well. I try to talk to Mom a few times a week on the phone. We're getting together next week to celebrate my birthday. We'll probably go to Community Aide thrift shop in Selingsgrove and Wenger's Discount Grocery Store. We love getting good buys!

So....I'm very grateful for my health and the health of my loved ones. If I could be so bold as to put a wish out there into the universe it would be for another year of more of the same.

Tuesday, August 30, 2016

8-30-2016 Another School Year Begins

Yesterday was the kids' first day of school. Luke entering 8th grade and Lily 7th. We all enjoyed homemade Belgian waffles from a new waffle maker I'd bought the day before. That was a very nice start to the day. I dropped the kids at school and then went to work for a few hours as I'm helping out since there's not many nurses in administration at the moment. I left work at 1:30 to be home before the kids got home. Neither one was overly chatty but nor were they overly negative. I'm going to call the first day a win. I pray they both have a productive year and remain safe and healthy.

Friday, July 29, 2016

7-29-2016 Bursitis and Cellulitis

Charlie's left elbow has bursitis and cellulitis. He has a fair amount of pain and is running a fever on and off. We went to the doctor today and got a script for reflex. He took one and broke out in hives. He'll need to call her tomorrow morning and have her call in a different script.

He also had an x-ray that shows soft tissue swelling (evident without and x-ray) and labs drawn. We haven't heard the results of the labs yet. I'm sure his WBC are elevated.

He has an appointment with an ortho-pod next Friday. That was the earliest appointment we could get. They may need to aspirate the fluid from the elbow.

Because the pain has been significant, we got a script for Norco 5/325. I'm planning on giving him one tonight at bedtime. Hopefully, he'll get a decent night's sleep.

This has been quite the adventure. Whenever something happens to our health, it really makes me take pause and appreciate the good health we take for granted every day. Charlie feels the same.

Thursday, July 14, 2016

7-14-2016 New Kitty

We brought home a new kitten today that we got from Uncle Carl and Aunt Edie. It comes from the same litter as the 2 kittens mom and dad got last week. They love their kittens. We went to visit them today and fell in love ourselves. So we texted Charlie at work and got his reluctant blessing to bring one home. I'm hoping and praying it will be a good little cat companion for us. It's presently snuggled up against my leg sleeping signs of difficulty adapting to its surroundings thus far!

Monday, June 6, 2016

6-6-16 Almost the End of the School Year

     Today is Monday and the kids will be done with school on Friday. Luke has made it through his first year back to full-time public school after a few years of home schooling apparently intact and fine. I just asked him the other day if he wanted to go back to home schooling and he said he did not. He's still busy with baseball at least twice a week. Lily has basketball just as often, usually more often. I do not enjoy how busy our family has become in the evenings. On the other hand, I do completely enjoy the quiet time I've had to myself alone at the house Monday-Friday while Charlie is at work and the kids are at school. I shall miss the peace and quiet this summer to be sure.

     Smoochie has not returned to us. I feel much more empathy towards those who have a loved one missing. You can't help be hold on to hope that perhaps they are fine and will still return. I would like to get another cat. Perhaps a year or two old to keep me company during the day. Half-tail has been very loving and playful and a good companion for me. She's even warmed up to Charlie and he to her which is quite a surprise.


Monday, May 9, 2016

5-9-2016 Smoochie Missing

We haven't seen Smoochie in almost a week. He went out of the house last Wednesday evening and hasn't returned. He has never been gone more than overnight that I can recall so I'm afraid something awful has happened to him. The kids are very concerned and we've searched the property and asked all the neighbors. Each day my hope that he'll show up grows a little bit dimmer.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

4-9-2016 Fourteen Years of Wedded Bliss

I worked. Lily had 2 basketball games. Luke gamed. Charlie parented. We all had pizza and stromboli for supper to celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary. No gifts were exchanged but we did buy a new sofa, recliner chair, and 2 rugs this past week. I guess we will count that as an anniversary gift!

Monday, March 28, 2016

Easter 2016

I worked for Easter. Charlie was diagnosed the day before with bronchitis. It was the Easter that wasn't. Unfortunately, this is baseline for us. Every year at least one of us is good and sick for Easter. The kids each got a $100 bill when I got home from work and we called it a day. I did heat up some ham and we had that for supper. 

Friday, March 4, 2016

3-4-2016 Same Old, Same Old

Not much new going on really. We're all fine. We didn't do anything big to celebrate Luke's 13th birthday on 2-4-16. We'll celebrate a half-birthday in August  for him.

We had a big blizzard with about 30 inches of snow the end of January (1/23 and 1/24). I had to spend the night at work which was no fun at all. Charlie took me in Saturday morning and picked me up Sunday afternoon.

My kitchen countertops were installed the week after the big blizzard. They look absolutely fabulous and I love them!

I worked on Valentine's Day and put Charlie and the kids in charge of gift giving. They did very well and got us chocolates and chocolate lab wine and travel mugs for me and Charlie as well.

I will be working Easter this year. Charlie wants to go on a 4 day hike, but neither kid wants to go with him. I am insisting he not leave them along for Saturday and Easter Sunday. He may do an overnight trip tonight to get some hiking in. We had a dusting of snow overnight last night, but it's pretty much melted now.

Lily just finished up 6th grade basketball. Luke will start his final season of little league baseball on Monday. 

Thursday, January 14, 2016

Mr. Meow 1-14-2016

Mr. Meow, our friendly feral cat, was attacked by a wild animal earlier this week. The vet had to put him down today because his injuries were too severe to heal. The kids just got home from school and I just told them the sad news. We will bury Mr. Meow next to Petunia, in front of the barn, when Charlie comes home and digs out the spot. We are heartbroken.

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

12-30-2015 The Christmas that Missed Us....

This year Christmas felt like it missed us. Lily was diagnosed with pneumonia on 12-8-15 and I spent them coming days focused exclusively on her. We went to the Convenient Care at Redner's. She was given a script for Zithromax, duonebs, and cough medicine with codeine. We came home and I gave her a Zithromax. A few hours later she developed hives on her face, so I had to give her Benadryl and have a different script called in. That evening I gave her the 2nd antibiotic and the cough medicine with codeine on top of the Benadryl. I was afraid I'd killed her because she didn't make one single peep all night long. While Lily was great taking the antibiotic, she hated doing the nebulizer treatments.

 Even when she was good enough to go back to school, that was all she did was school then napping or taking it easy. She volunteered at the library a week later for 4 hours. She then came home and took a 5 hour nap in which she was out cold.

Luke got sick next. Luckily, I was able to start him on the Zithromax that Lily had been allergic to. He was fine on it and completed the 5 day course, minus the 1 pill she'd taken. He managed to dodge the worst of the sickness thanks to those antibiotics.

Then Charlie felt like he was coming down with something for a few days. Right up until the morning of the 24th , we didn't know if we'd be having family come or not. Luckily, he stayed healthy.

I say the 24th because I had to work Christmas this year, so we celebrated on the 24th. Mom and Dad came down around 1100. Charlie, Kathy and Ben did not come because Kathy woke up with cold s/s that morning. We had 4 different kinds of pizza: cheese, bacon, pepperoni, and special (onions, peppers, mushrooms, sausage, and ham). Bruno's never disappoints and all were excellent.

The kids each got a $100 bill from Santa. Lily used hers to buy Beats headphones. Luke used his to buy Destiny (a game for the playstation). The one good thing about having our Christmas on the 24th was that the kids could take their money and go shopping the same day. They came back from the pizza run with their chosen gifts in hand. I got Charlie a framed map of the Appalachian Trail which he said really meant something to him. I wish we could have video taped his reaction to seeing it bc it was priceless. He'd spotted it the day before at Cabelas and I ran back the next day and secretly bought it. My gift is the new kitchen appliances and island top and countertop being made by Rusty and Mike at Olde Annville Cabinetry. I won't have the tops until February or March, but am enjoying the appliances tremendously!

 I worked on the 25th, 26th, and 27th since it worked out to be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Work wasn't bad, thankfully. Charlie and the kids just hung out at home, still in low-key recovery mode.

Today the 4 of us went to the movies (relax and recline seats which is the ONLY way to see a movie) to see the new Star Wars movie The Force Awakens. It was excellent. We all agreed it was our favorite of the Star Wars movies.

Charlie is leaving tomorrow for a hike on the Appalachian Trail. His Dad is dropping him off and going a few miles with him. His Mom is picking him up on Saturday (3 days later) and bringing him home. He wanted to go over Christmas but I forbid it. The kids deserved to have their Dad home for the holiday for God's sake. I'm off for New Years' so they'll only be alone on 1-2-16 for a few hours while I'm a work and Charlie is finishing up his hike. I'm hoping perhaps they can each go to a friends' house for a few hours.

I have a cold with a scratchy/sore throat and feel like a weight is settling on my chest. I'm taking it easy and hope to not get good and sick like the kids were. The only thing I did today was go to the movies.

Of course, my greatest prayer for 2016 is that we all stay healthy and safe. Anything beyond that is icing on the cake...or sprinkles on the cupcake as I like to say.

Thursday, November 26, 2015

11-26-2015 Nonconformist Thanksgiving....Our Best One Yet!

This is my holiday off from work. I woke up at 3:45am with Charlie to follow him to the Delaware Water Gap parking lot for the Appalachian Trail (AT). He left his truck there and we drove together to Slatington. He hopped on the trail there to hike north to his truck. He should be home some time on Saturday. I drove back home to the kids who we'd left sleeping in their beds.

Lily feels like she's getting a sore throat. Her eyes are very glassy, a telltale sign that something is brewing with her. Luke is getting over a cold and had tissues scattered everywhere. We decided not to go to P&J's for dessert and a visit with the relatives. We're going to keep out cooties to ourselves.

Lunch was the best Thanksgiving lunch we've ever had. Screpsi's Italian hoagies with chips and nachos. We have enough leftover to have the same thing for supper. We couldn't be more thrilled!

We are doing a bit of remodeling in the kitchen. We're getting a new wall oven/microwave unit and a gas cooktop. Since we bought both of those, we got a "free" dishwasher. So that meant we needed to expand the island to fit the dishwasher. We're also getting a warming drawer to go below the oven. I'm super excited, although  not thrilled to be spending so much money. I've wanted a gas cooktop since the day we moved in 10 years ago. I currently have electric and hate it. The oven broke last year and I've been using a toaster oven ever since then. I was waiting for the cooktop to break, but fear it may outlive me.

We also installed a wood stove in the walk-in fireplace last week. We feel we need it since we can not get the house warm during the winter months. This year we're hoping to be nice and cozy.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

11-3-15 Forty-four...couldn't ask for anything more

Charlie wished me a happy birthday while we were still in bed around 0430 this morning. Then when I woke the kids, they both remembered to wish me a happy birthday right off the bat which made me happy.

Lily had homemade cards and a birthday banner on the kitchen table for me this morning. She laid it out last night so I'd see it first thing. The card is lovely and tells me what a good job I'm doing as a mom and fellow human being. A highlight of my day to be sure.

On the way to school I asked the kids to form a slogan for me for my 44th year. Lily came up with "44...glorious no more." Luke is still thinking on it.

I want to be more active this year. So I went out to the garden bright and early and did a lot of weeding. I think I dumped 4 garden carts full of weeds and plants killed by frost. It's no longer an eyesore to look out the windows at the garden.

I made myself chicken marsala for lunch. Lots of onions, peppers, and mushrooms. It was fabulous! Then I watched The Good Wife on Hulu and read a great book. I finished up my afternoon of pleasure by chatting with Mom.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

10-20-2015 No Wealth Like your Health

     I have always believed in the old adage their is  no wealth like your health. That proves true time and again. About 2 weeks ago, Dad tripped over a hose down at the little dam and hurt his shoulder. Mom took him to the ER for what I believe was the second time in his life. They had to wait 6.5 hours to confirm via x-ray there were no fractures. Jill stopped to see him the next day on her way home from work and thought his shoulder had a significant drop. so mom called the oath who took another look at the x-rays and said he thought it would be fine. He was going on vacation, but they could follow up with the family doctor if he wasn't better in a week. Thankfully, he seems to be doing a bit better each day. In the meantime, Mom got biopsy results back from a lesion I noted on her ear. The results were positive for basal cell skin cancer. She is having that removed by the plastic surgeon today. I am nursing a cold. I spent yesterday on the sofa napping and reading, completely unplugged from the world. Today I do feel much better, but not yet back to myself. Charlie felt he was getting sick last evening and went to bed right after supper. This morning he looked and sounded much better. Fingers crossed he and the kids stay well.

Friday, September 4, 2015

9-4-2015 Made it Thru 1st week of 6th and 7th Grade

We made it! The kids were off today and will be off Monday for Labor Day Weekend. On Wednesday morning Luke said, "I'm sick of school. I need summer vacation to be about 70 more years." Overall, I think they are both doing okay. Neither one seems overwhelmed.

Monday, August 31, 2015

8-31-2015 First Day of School

Lily 6th, Luke 7th

They did great getting up and getting ready this morning. I realized after dropping them off that neither one ate breakfast.

Since Luke is staying for full days this year, we decided to have them take the bus home and walk from the bus stop to home. First day went well. I was surprised they didn't complain because it was 92 and very sunny and humid.

They feel like they will like some of their teachers, and others not so much.

I'm thrilled that Luke seemed ok. Not too stressed out.

Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Friday, August 21, 2015

8-21-2015 Easy Come, Easy Go

So, Charlie did not get the carpentry instructor job he'd applied for. The other 2 applicants already have their teaching certificates. He is quite disappointed. He took the kids to OCMD because his mom offered them to stay in her room for free. At first, he thought he didn't want to go since he didn't get the job, but I think the time having fun will be good for him.

Kathy wasn't planning to go to the beach this year. She'd been to Cape May for a wedding in the spring and that was going to be it. But then she started watching the media coverage of the Pope coming to Philly next month. She's convinced Philly is going to be bombed. She decided to go to the shore "one last time" before she dies in a bombing. Honest to God.

Mom and Dad came down today to drop off Dad's truck for me to use since Charlie has my Highlander. After we had lunch, they left and I went shopping. I had a wonderful time! I bought a little blue and green chippy paint chair, triple hoop earrings, a triple band bracelet, 2 resin birds, and a Vera Bradley backpack at a consignment store. Then I went to Goodwill and bought a pair of Keen shoes, a pair of Merrell shoes, 3 purses, and a jacket for Luke for school. The main reason I quit shopping and came home was because I filled the cab of Dad's truck!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

8-18-15 Second Interview Down, Just Waiting on the Word

Charlie had his second interview this morning for the carpentry instructor position. He had to teach a class on how to layout a common rafter using a framing square and the step off method. He put a lot of thought and effort into it. He thinks he did well.

We are supposed to find out tomorrow either way. If he doesn't get the job, I feel like we can rest easy knowing he gave it his best shot.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

8-13-2015 Second Time's a Charm?

Charlie interviewed today for a position as a carpentry teacher with the vo-tech. He had interviewed back in 2011, but didn't get the job. At that time, they wanted someone with advanced education. That teacher was terminated when he was unable to build a house with the students. So, now the focus has shifted fro advanced education to carpentry knowledge.

Charlie feels today's interview went very well. He needs to go back next week and present a lesson plan and teach a class on gable roofing. He feels good about it.

Our fingers are crossed that he gets this job. We are at the point where we think a steady paycheck, full benefits, and a mention plan are all things to be desired. The pay is less than he earns through our construction business. We are hoping Ryan will be able to keep the construction crew going Monday-Friday while Charlie is teaching. The plan is for Charlie to check in on afternoons and maybe a bit on weekends.

Luke & Lily slept overnight last night at P&J's. They all went to Knoebels for a few hours and then I picked the kids up and brought them home this afternoon. Fall Ball practice started this past Tuesday. Charlie and Tom Fronina are coaching.

Friday, July 3, 2015

7-3-2015 Great Wolf Lodge Vacation

Last week we were talking about plans to go to the shore the last week in August as we've done pretty much every year since the kids were in school when Charlie chimed in that he won't be able to do that this year. He has a big kitchen remodel he'll need to stick with and won't be able to break away. After a bit of discussion, we quickly booked a 2 night stay at Great Wolf Lodge Indoor Waterpark in the Poconos.

We arrived yesterday around 1pm. We went to P&J's first to drop off Smoochie and gifts for Aunt Gayle since we'll be attending her retirement party at P&J's tomorrow. Then we drove up to Great Wolf. The trip up was smooth going with no traffic issues. Once we got here and checked in our room was ready and we were able to start having fun.

The waterpark is a hit with all of us. We all agree it's very nice to be out of the sun, heat, and sand. The chlorinated water is a little drying and eye irritating, but nothing compared to the beach. There have been an unusual number of shark attacks this summer and I'm glad we don't need to worry about that or jellyfish.

We brought Screpsie hoagies with us and had them for lunch and snacks yesterday. This morning Lily and I ran to Dunkin Donuts for coffees, milk, hot chocolate and munchkins. We snacked for lunch on ring bologna and cheese and then went for an early dinner to Olive Garden. That may have been a mistake simply because the traffic was unbelievable. We didn't really think about 4th of July traffic plus regular Friday traffic. It took maybe 30 to 45 minutes to get back to the hotel which was just 8 miles away. Slow going. Now Luke and I are relaxing in the room and Charlie and Lily are doing an outdoor ropes course.

We'll check out tomorrow and head back to P&J's for Gayle's party and to collect our Smoochie.

The highlight of the trip for me has been seeing Luke playing basketball in the pool with kids he's never met before. He's come such a long way and I'm so very proud of him.

Friday, June 12, 2015

6-12-2015 Dorney Park Birthday Celebration

Yesterday we took Lily to Dorney Park for her birthday. She originally invited 2 friends, Jade and Emma. Jade wasn't allowed to go, so it was just going to be Emma and Lily. Then something came up and Emma couldn't go. So, I called Jade's mom and she agreed to let Jade go, but not to the waterpark. It was 91 degrees with high humidity. I stayed at the waterpark and Charlie and the kids came and went. Lily had a good time.

After Dorney, both Jade and Emma stayed at our house for a sleepover. The plan was for the girls to sleep in the tent, but it was thundering and lightening too much, so they slept in the living room instead.

This morning I made pancakes and served fresh fruit for breakfast. Then the played games and hung out until 11 when they were picked up by their moms.

Lily has been laying around and napping throughout the day. I think Dorney really wore her out yesterday. I feel like I was out all night partying and so have been taking it pretty easy myself.

Monday, June 8, 2015

6-8-2015 Lily's 11th Birthday

Today is Lily's 11th birthday. It was supposed to be the last day of school, but both kids skipped the 1/2 day since it was only going to be field games. Instead, Luke stayed him and chilled in the morning then mowed grass in the afternoon. Lily and I started the day with a trip to Legman's. She had a strawberry smoothie as a birthday treat. Then we went to the movies to see Pitch perfect 2. Then we did some shopping at Pier One, TJ Max, and finally Bed, Bath & Beyond where she bought a armrest fuzzy pillow for herself. Then we picked up her friend Emma and had a play date. Then we went to the library where the girls made elastic band bracelets. Now we are home watching "Into the Woods" on DVD. Overall, a very busy day, just like Lily likes it.

Smoochie, our kitten is thriving. We all love her, even Charlie.

Friday, April 24, 2015

4-24-2015 Kitten

We found a kitten in our barn (the corn crib or 'log cabin' side) on 4-14-15. We left it alone there overnight thinking the mama was nearby and would come back for it. She didn't and so the morning of 4-15-15 we brought her into the house. She's been with us ever since. We feed her kitten milk replacement through a bottle. We wipe her butt with cotton balls to stimulate her to pee and poop. It's been quite an experience.

She is absolutely adorable. Day 1 she cried frantically because she was cold and hungry. As soon as we got her warm and fed, she settled down. She sleeps through the night getting a bottle somewhere between 7p-9p and then sleeps until 5a-6a. No complaints there. I do keep her in a basket at my bedside...just in case.

When I work weekends, Lily manages her feeding. Mom and Dad came down so Charlie and I could go out for our anniversary on 4-17-15. Mom managed the kitten beautifully with Luke's help. We went to Collegeville to the Movie Tavern to see "Insurgent" and then did quite a bit of shopping at Wegman's.

I supposed you could say Charlie's birthday/anniversary gift was a John Deere lawnmower we bought. It was delivered on the 17th while Mom and Dad were here. I haven't even driven it yet. Charlie mowed with it and is pleased with it's performance.

Luke is playing baseball. Charlie is assistant coach. They've had 1 game so far. Tomorrow is picture day and an away game. I'll miss both since I'll be at work. I arrived at his first game just as they were packing up and lined up at the concession stand. 

Sunday, April 5, 2015

4-5-2015 Easter 2015

We had a lovely day with P&J celebrating Easter. We played Farkle, trivia, and had an egg hunt. Lunch was Italian hoagies from Screpsie's, chips, Doritoes, pineapple, strawberries, grapes, pepper jelly dip with cream cheese, bologna and cheese, and Grandma's famous chocolate cake with peanut butter icing. Everything was delicious. We took a walk around the property and enjoyed the signs of spring including crocuses in bloom. It really was a great day spent with family. 

Friday, March 20, 2015

3-20-2015 Spring?

Today is the first day of spring. Unfortunately, we've had about 6 inches of snow so far today. School was dismissed at 1130. That worked out perfectly for Charlie and Lily since they were going to leave at 1200 anyway to go to Hershey for boys' basketball state championships. Luke and I stayed home, warm and cozy in our nice, quiet house, snuggled up with the cats.

Monday, March 9, 2015

3-9-2015 First Time Calling Off at Work

I am down and out with an awful upper respiratory infection with sore throat, ear ache, sinus congestion, exhaustion, and dizziness. I feel like I've been hit by an eighteen wheeler. I managed to work my shift on Saturday, but just barely. I called off for Sunday.

I spent all of Sunday in bed. I did get up this morning to take the kids to school and pick Luke up again at 0915. I'm now back in bed. While I don't feel as bad as I did yesterday, I wouldn't say I'm anywhere near good. I plan on resting and pushing fluids all day today.

Charlie is fighting the good fight. I pray he wins and fends off these evil germs. If he comes down with what I have...God help us all.

Thursday, March 5, 2015

3-5-2015 Two in a Row thanks to Snow

Today is the 2nd snow day in a row for the kids. Yesterday was actually more of a sleet and freezing rain type morning. This morning we are having heavy snow. I'm happy to be snuggled in at home with them. Charlie stayed home and did paperwork yesterday. He just left this morning to venture out.

Last night Charlie and Lily went to see the Harlem Globe Trotters. Lily enjoyed it and even bought herself a souvenir headband which she had all the players sign. Charlie said he enjoys watching high school players more.

This weekend Lily has her "spring" concert at 6:00pm. The Reading High School boys basketball team have a state playoff game at 7:00pm. We are going to try our best to do both.

Luke is doing baseball clinics every Saturday morning. Charlie will be his assistant coach for the spring. Lily is not doing baseball since she did not enjoy fall ball.

Grandma J is recovering from a stomach bug. She actually passed out in her kitchen Monday morning. I was very worried about her. She's now feeling much better. Hopefully, Grandpa P doesn't come down with it. 

Monday, February 23, 2015

2-23-2015 Racoon Crosses the River

We all watched a raccoon run across the frozen river this morning. It's the first animal we've seen walking across the surface other than birds. It was pretty cool to see.