Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The forecast yesterday was calling for snow/sleet for today. Thankfully, we had just a hint of snow on the grass this morning and nothing on the roads. Work and school as usual. They are calling for a dusting again tonight. We were spoiled by a few mild days with sun and warmth. Now this cold, rainy, dreary weather is rather hard to take. Spring must be around the corner.

We had a family meeting dockside last evening after supper. Charlie called the meeting. Probably because the dock is on it's side, literally, since the high waters a few weeks ago. We'll probably need to take apart the current dock and rebuild. I say "we", but of course mean Charlie. Disassembling a dock is not really my thing. And I can just imagine how the kids would be, surely more trouble than help. But we all love to be down at the dock and we definitely would like it accessible as soon as possible.

Friday, March 18, 2011

3-18-2011 Carpenter Down....With the Flu

Charlie is sick as a dog with the flu. He's been in bed sleeping all day after being awake quite a bit during the night with "stomach issues" to put it politely.

It's an absolutely gorgeous spring day here. 73 degrees and sunny. I ran errands this morning and parked at the far end of the parking lot each place I went. so nice to have the sun hitting my face.

Still lots of concern for all the people suffering in Japan. And added concern about their nuclear power plants. Very tragic.

No big plans for the weekend. Lily has deck hockey tomorrow morning. Dad offered to come in the afternoon and help us haul wood to the outdoor furnace. I don't really want him exposed to all our sickness, so we'll probably pass on that.

Last night for St. Patrick's Day I made mashed potatoes, ham, and cabbage. Then we had shamrock shakes. Lily also had vanilla ice cream with green food die mixed in to make it festive. We watched a movie we got from the library on st. Patrick. It was very good and we even let the kids stay up until 8:30 to finish it.

Tonight's supper to be determined. I have coconut ice cream and fresh pineapple, so I'm thinking we might try pina coladas, minus the booze.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011


Poor Luke had the GI virus that Lily had last weekend. He woke up at 0130 Saturday into Sunday vomiting. Then he just laid around the house Sunday. He did fine yesterday back at school. I started feeling queasy yesterday afternoon and felt pretty awful all through the evening. Now I feel okay. Charlie started feeling achy yesterday. I just called him at work to check in on him and he said he's still achy, but no worse than yesterday.

We went to C&K's on Saturday for a visit. Kathy and I made Irish Potato Candy. We are quite proud of ourselves because it turned out very well.

Last week the river rose to about 15 feet. Our dock got washed up the bank onto the dock steps. Charlie thinks he can fix it once the water goes back down.

At the same time we were having all the rain, Japan had an 8.9 earthquake and tsunami. It's absolutely heartbreaking to watch the news. Now the concern is that the nuclear power plants in that area have started to meltdown. My heart and prayers go out to all involved.

Kathryn Caskie's Printable Book List

Kathryn Caskie's Printable Book List

Thursday, March 10, 2011

3-10-2011 It's Raining, It's Pouring....I even did some snoring

We are experiencing some heavy rains. Hopefully, the river won't flood.

I have a cold. Probably got it as a result of being run down taking care of Lily last weekend. I came home from work yesterday at lunch and spent the rest of the day in bed. I felt a bit better today, but did a whole lot of nothing all day long. The dark, rainy day certainly didn't help my energy level.

Hopefully, no one else in the house gets this cold. Must be said, that I've been doing pretty good staying healthy, eating 5 different colored fruits and veggies a day. 

Saturday, March 5, 2011

3-5-2011 L-O-N-G Night with Lily

Poor little Lily-bell woke us up at 0130 by vomiting in our bathroom. All over the floor to be precise. Charlie, bless his soul, cleaned up the mess. I helped Lily shower and then brought her into bed with me. We watched a DVD on the laptop and she got up a few times with diarrhea. I think she has pink eye as well.

No hockey today. No visit to Grandma K. either. We will be home. Wallowing in our germiness.

Thursday, March 3, 2011


Update on the "being a patient" post....I had the abdominal ultrasound 2 weeks ago and it showed cysts on my ovaries, polyps on my gallbladder, and benign lesions on my liver. As I was watching the ultrasound being done on a screen in the room, I saw the liver lesions and got very scared. I had to wait several hours to talk to the doctor's office. They were some of the longest hours of my life! In my mind, I had Mom and Dad moved in here, taking the kids to and from school and me to and from chemo. appointments. I was sure it was ovarian cancer.

Thank God, all findings appear to be non-issues. I saw my GYN a few days ago and he told me he is "absolutely sure" the ovarian cysts are not the source of my abd. discomfort and don't require any intervention. He also doesn't think the gallbladder polyps or liver lesions are an issue. this point, I do nothing. the abdominal discomfort is something I can live with and I don't want to pursue this with all kinds of diagnostics. Especially knowing the end result may very well be a mystery.

The whole thing has served as a reminder of how very fortunate we are to have good health. It is absolutely something we take for granted every day.