Friday, March 18, 2011

3-18-2011 Carpenter Down....With the Flu

Charlie is sick as a dog with the flu. He's been in bed sleeping all day after being awake quite a bit during the night with "stomach issues" to put it politely.

It's an absolutely gorgeous spring day here. 73 degrees and sunny. I ran errands this morning and parked at the far end of the parking lot each place I went. so nice to have the sun hitting my face.

Still lots of concern for all the people suffering in Japan. And added concern about their nuclear power plants. Very tragic.

No big plans for the weekend. Lily has deck hockey tomorrow morning. Dad offered to come in the afternoon and help us haul wood to the outdoor furnace. I don't really want him exposed to all our sickness, so we'll probably pass on that.

Last night for St. Patrick's Day I made mashed potatoes, ham, and cabbage. Then we had shamrock shakes. Lily also had vanilla ice cream with green food die mixed in to make it festive. We watched a movie we got from the library on st. Patrick. It was very good and we even let the kids stay up until 8:30 to finish it.

Tonight's supper to be determined. I have coconut ice cream and fresh pineapple, so I'm thinking we might try pina coladas, minus the booze.

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