Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The forecast yesterday was calling for snow/sleet for today. Thankfully, we had just a hint of snow on the grass this morning and nothing on the roads. Work and school as usual. They are calling for a dusting again tonight. We were spoiled by a few mild days with sun and warmth. Now this cold, rainy, dreary weather is rather hard to take. Spring must be around the corner.

We had a family meeting dockside last evening after supper. Charlie called the meeting. Probably because the dock is on it's side, literally, since the high waters a few weeks ago. We'll probably need to take apart the current dock and rebuild. I say "we", but of course mean Charlie. Disassembling a dock is not really my thing. And I can just imagine how the kids would be, surely more trouble than help. But we all love to be down at the dock and we definitely would like it accessible as soon as possible.

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