Tuesday, June 28, 2011


Lily had a playdate with her friend Lila this afternoon. Luke chose to go to Ballocity to play for a few hours. I hung out in the parent waiting area and read a book.

It's quite hot out. About 85 degrees with very high humidity. I had the best bruschetta for lunch AND dinner. I'll have to post the recipe in my cooking section of the blog. It's sooooo good!

Sunday, June 26, 2011


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We are certainly enjoying the new dock. Charlie and I sat on it yesterday morning and enjoyed reading the paper and chatting with canoers and kayakers going by.

Last evening Charlie made a fire on the riverbank and we toasted marshmallows and made smores. Then we all laid in the tent for a while. The kids and I were afraid to sleep down there, so we came up to the house around 8:30. Charlie spent the night in the tent. He heard various wildlife noises throughout the night and half-tail batted at his head thru the tent. Sorry I missed all that....not.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011


Lots has been going on around here lately. Charlie had an interview last week for a carpentry instructor position. They called the next day to schedule a second interview for today. He feels both went very well and is relatively confident they may offer him the position. I've been doing a lot of praying for God's will to be done.If it's the right thing for our family, then I believe that's the direction we'll go. If he doesn't get the job, that just means God has a different plan for us. It's nerve wrecking, but I'm very proud of Charlie.

Just before Charlie left for the interview today he heard a loud crash. The dead tree on our property fell down. It was a bit of a focal point near the river when we were looking at the property 6 years ago. Luke told us repeatedly at the time that the dead tree was his favorite thing about the property. It dead have a sort of barren beauty to it, especially in winter. When the river flooded in 2006, you could see where it pounded away at the tree base. I thought it would fall then, but it made it 5 more years. I took some pictures of it laying on the river bank. A branch from another tree got broken off in the shape of an "L" and I hope to do something crafty with it as a tribute to the dead tree. We think there's some symbolism/sig from God that it fell just before Charlie left for the iterview. But, we haven't figured out just what it was supposed to mean quite yet.

The kids are enjoying summer. They spent Sunday night at Mom & Dad's and all day yesterday at Knoeble's. Today they went swimming in the river after shopping for summer clothes at Sal Val. We got some good buys and came home with multiple bags for $36.00. Can't beat that!

Friday, June 10, 2011


Just wanted to do a quick summary of the things we did for Lily's birthday this past Wednesday. She took in homemade chocolate chip cookies for her classmates. It was the last day of school and thus a half-day. I had a meeting at work and didn't get home until close to 3 pm. Once I got home, we all went to Chili's for dinner. Lily had nachoes. Then we came home and decorated her cake. She decided AFTER I already had the white icing on that she wanted the icing to be blue. So, I added pools of blue to the white and we put penguins on to look like they were swimming. It ended up okay and she was happy with it. Then, of course, we sang and she blew out the candles. Then she and I went to her final Girl Scout meeting where she received her gardening badge. Since we had already gotten her ears pierced as her gift, we didn't really get her anything else. I did give her a few pair of kneesocks with cats on them and some hair scrunchies and clips. All in all I think she had a pretty good day.

Monday, June 6, 2011


We had a great weekend!

 Lliy and I went to yard sales Saturday morning then went to the mall and got her ears pierced for her birthday. "It really hurt a lot" and she did tear up. Glad we did it early, instead of causing her pain on her actual birthday. Plus, she got to show off in school today.

Yesterday we washed the minivan and both work trucks. Then cleaned up the house. Very productive. Perfect weather. We watched the Sch. River Sojourners go past around 4 pm. Chatted with a few of them and enjoyed being river-side.

Last year when we had the dock intact we spent a whole lot more time at the river. This year we are getting a lot more work done, but have a lot less fun.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Well, we've gone from record setting rains to record setting heat. Second day in the 90's. And we have a severe thunderstorm and tornado watch until 8 pm tonight.

Luke had field day today and I was concerned about the heat. He said a volunteer walked around squirting the kids with a water bottle.

Lily has her last Girl Scout meeting tonight. One more week and it's her birthday!

The pumpkins, zucchini, and squash we planted this past Saturday are up. I'm quite happy about that. Guess this heat is good for something after all. I cut lettuce that came up on it's own once already. It was getting ready to shoot up and go to seed. Hopefully, I cut it in time.

We brought 2 ice cream buckets of strawberries home from Mom and Dad's Monday. We've been having strawberry shortcake at least once a day since. I bought pound cakes at the Dollar Tree for $1 (duh) and they're perfect to use as shortcake.