Friday, June 10, 2011


Just wanted to do a quick summary of the things we did for Lily's birthday this past Wednesday. She took in homemade chocolate chip cookies for her classmates. It was the last day of school and thus a half-day. I had a meeting at work and didn't get home until close to 3 pm. Once I got home, we all went to Chili's for dinner. Lily had nachoes. Then we came home and decorated her cake. She decided AFTER I already had the white icing on that she wanted the icing to be blue. So, I added pools of blue to the white and we put penguins on to look like they were swimming. It ended up okay and she was happy with it. Then, of course, we sang and she blew out the candles. Then she and I went to her final Girl Scout meeting where she received her gardening badge. Since we had already gotten her ears pierced as her gift, we didn't really get her anything else. I did give her a few pair of kneesocks with cats on them and some hair scrunchies and clips. All in all I think she had a pretty good day.

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