Wednesday, June 1, 2011


Well, we've gone from record setting rains to record setting heat. Second day in the 90's. And we have a severe thunderstorm and tornado watch until 8 pm tonight.

Luke had field day today and I was concerned about the heat. He said a volunteer walked around squirting the kids with a water bottle.

Lily has her last Girl Scout meeting tonight. One more week and it's her birthday!

The pumpkins, zucchini, and squash we planted this past Saturday are up. I'm quite happy about that. Guess this heat is good for something after all. I cut lettuce that came up on it's own once already. It was getting ready to shoot up and go to seed. Hopefully, I cut it in time.

We brought 2 ice cream buckets of strawberries home from Mom and Dad's Monday. We've been having strawberry shortcake at least once a day since. I bought pound cakes at the Dollar Tree for $1 (duh) and they're perfect to use as shortcake.

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