Friday, May 27, 2011


We've had some pretty severe weather blow through our area lately. A second tornado was confirmed in Mom & Dad's neck of the woods. Thank God they're fine and the damage occurred miles away from them. Very scary. And we aren't really accustomed to living with the threat of deadly weather. It certainly makes us stop and give thanks for what's important...and it's not material things.

No big plans going in to Memorial Day Weekend. Charlie has a meeting with customer's tomorrow. Sunday he has to help his dad with the annual trail run. Monday he has to hunker down and do paperwork. Busy, busy, busy.

The kids were supposed to have their final soccer game tomorrow morning, but it was cancelled due to lack of players. I learned quite a bit about the unpredictability of weather this soccer season.

I'm hoping to get the garden planted tomorrow morning. Finally. It's too hot to go out there this evening. We actually just turned on the air conditioning for the 1st time this season. I hate the heat!

Lily has a rash on most of her body. Not sure what that's all about. she had it on her face last weekend. I pulled a tick off Luke the other day. I called the pediatrician's office and they said to just put antibiotic ointment on the area, which is red. Ugh.

I'll be happy if we all make it through this long weekend safe and healthy!

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