Thursday, May 19, 2011


It's still raining here. It feels like this has been the rainiest spring we've had in a long time! The kids did not have soccer practice again this week. And it was actually supposed to be a game during practice time since the Saturday game was cancelled due to rain. As was the previous week's practice. Jeez.

The river is high, but not dangerously so. Hope it continues to be okay. My heart certainly goes out to all those effected by flooding along the Mississippi.

I went to the nursing home I'll be at next semester with the students to orient. Not a whole lot good to say about that experience. Long term care is not my thing.

Planning on making hamburgers for supper. It's Charlie & the kids' favorite meal. We need something to lift our spirits w/ all this dreary weather.

Lily & I went to our 1st Girl Scout Daisey mtg. last night. Neither one of us was overwhelmed w/ excitement. They colored name tags, then listened to a story, then colored a flower drawing. We're going every Wed. for the next 3 weeks. Hopefully, they were just starting us out slow.

The garden still isn't really planted. Just tomatoes, rosemary, bee balm, sage, parsley, & strawberries. i have lots of seed packs & basil plants to put in, but it's been too wet. Dad's planted enough for all of us, but I'd still like to get my own stuff in.

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